The Potential Impact of Government Policies on My Business Project,

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My Business Project

Pitas & Nudos

Ana Lucía Herrera

Monday 30th, January, 2012

Pitas & Nudos

My business Name: Pitas & Nudos


Government influence upon business activity:

The government has several aims that are beneficial for business activity, they are:

  • Low Inflation: It means that the prices keep rising at a normal rate, and they don’t rise too fast and if they are rising too fast the government will get involved. A low inflation encourages businesses to expand and it makes it easier for a country to sell its goods and services abroad.
  • Low Levels of Unemployment: This is too keep the number of people who don’t have a job low, because people that are unemployed produce no goods or services so the lower of output in the country will be lower than it could be.
  • Economic Growth: This is when the level of output of goods and services in the country increases. This means that the GDP increases and so does the standard living of the population.
  • Balance of Payments: The aim is to have balance between exports and imports. This is means that there should be more exports than imports.

The government has 3 economic policies to achieve the aims above. This policies influence business activity in a variety ways and I will explain them further. The way in which they influences business activity are many and the variety of strategies used are extensive. The economic polices used by the the government are:

  • Fiscal Policy – taxes and government spending
  • Monetary Policy and interest rates
  • Supply Side Policies

Fiscal Policy: 

Fiscal Policy is any change that the government makes in tax rates that are put on businesses or public sector spending.

These are the most common taxes:

  • Income Tax: This is a tax on people’s income. The higher the income the greater the amount of tax. This affect businesses because individual taxpayers would have a more limited income. The most affected businesses are the ones that produce luxury goods.
  • Import Tariffs and Quotas: An import tariff is a tax on an imported product and a import quota is a physical limit to the quantity of a product that can be imported. These are to reduce the number of imports. How do they affect? Well, first local firms will have an increase in sells since the price of exported products is higher. Second, business which import raw materials or components for their own factories would have to pay more. Finally, other countries may take the same action so exporting would be more difficult.
  • Profits Tax or Corporation Tax: This is a tax on the profits made by the business. This affect business activity because: 1. Businesses would have less profit. This makes it more difficult for the business to expand. 2. There would be less money to pay back to the original owners of the business.
  • Indirect Taxes: These are added to the prices of the products we all buy. They make goods and services more expensive. It affects business activity in two ways. First, prices at shops would rise. Therefore, consumers may buy fewer items making the demand lower, affecting many businesses.
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All the governments spend money in different things to make their country or city better. This expenditure is very important to some of the businesses there.

  • Construction of firms will have advantages of new road building scheme.
  • The defense industries will gain if the government decides to re equip the army
  • Bus manufacturers will benefit from the government spending on public transport.

 Monetary Policy and Interest rates:

This is a change in interest rates by the government or a central bank. An interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. In some countries business and ...

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