Time Management - Which area of your life is Time Management used more effectively?

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                  Time Management:


                 Which area of your life is Time Management used more effectively?

        Many people complain that they need more time in a day.  “If you control your time, you control your life”, says Alan Lakein (1973).  Time is a precious thing to waste.  We all are given time in an equal share, 24 hours.  But how we spend it, is different all across the board.  The people who set the priorities and schedule their time accordingly are very efficient and productive.  While the unsuccessful workers, procrastinating students, unorganized domestics tend to be the most stressed.  Managing our time productively, can be very challenging.  How can people find time for themselves when they have a full time job, have children, and are continuing their education?  Certain situations and needs influence our orientation.  However, how we manage our time can be changed and lead to success and balance in life.  The question is, if Time Management is plays a role in the different areas of life, then would it be more beneficial and effective in one area than the other?  

        Most of us have a full time job and have young children or adolescent children that attend school.  Also, some of us attend school ourselves.  With a full time job, having housework to do and with homework, our additional tasks may overwhelm us.  We, then,  stop thinking critically.  We forget to plan our time to make the most use out of it.  

        Most of us feel that we don’t have enough time at home to get things done that are need.  Many times a list of things that we need to do keeps our mind busy.  As for the most of us, we forego an activity of great importance as spending time with family and friends for one of greater urgency as doing laundry.  For example, things like having laundry to do, getting our children to bed and making sure they had dinner.  Then we worry about giving them bath and reading them bedtime story if they are young.  People who have grown up children that attend school worry about making sure they get home on time and get their homework done before they go to bed.  We also worry about making sure that when our children watch television that they watch appropriate programs.

        However, with a little thought and creativity, we can correct this imbalance.  As Smith states in one the Franklin Covey’s article that “time is money”.  Just as with money, the more value we can get for each increment spent, the richer our lives become.  Smith also states from Albert Einstein’s philosophy on time management that management is art or act controlling, so you can put one after the other and you get time management, the act or art of controlling events.  Certainly, we all feel that it is easy to say than it is to do.  But we also look around and do find people who have big families with more than one child and that are still organized.  We ask ourselves, how do these people do it?  There have been a lot of study and research done on Time Management and a lot of tips and suggestions have been given to manage our time on our own.

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        First off, organize your same day events.    Try making list of errands geographically.  This way you know where to start and end and spend least amount of time driving around to figure out where you need to go.  An example is if you need to go grocery shopping make your list before you go so you don’t waste your time thinking what need to shop for once you are at the store.  Here are some more examples from Sgro‘s article: As many of us feel that we don’t get enough time and equipment to do any exercise at home, ...

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