To conclude Errol has many types of marketing research available to him giving him a lot of information which will greatly help him and his business

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Bharat Patel 11N

Task Sheet 2.

Market research is used by businesses to find out the needs their customers have and the way they can improve their service or product so that it suits the needs of the customers. There are many ways to do this firstly there is something called primary research that is when the company it self sends out people to ask the general public questions to see how their service can be improved and what changes need to be made in what area. This is done in a number of ways such as the form of a questionnaire a one on one session. How ever before the company can actually go out and get first hand information the company decides what kind of questions they are going to ask if it is a questionnaire for example. They call this a sample this means it has a specific area that the company wants to target and that is the way the questionnaire will be formatted according to the sample in mind. There is also another way of market research this type is called secondary research this is a more simple and easier way to get information it is also cheaper as in secondary research companies take research already done by others and use that data to help them improve services based on the information they get from third parties this is also a cheaper way to research than primary research.

      There is an extensive range of ways to obtain the information Errol wants. There are two methods which can be used in market research; primary and secondary research. Both methods involve many different ways of gathering information each meeting a different objective of market research for example the internet might find out about competition while surveys might find out about customers.

Primary Research

          Primary research is defined as the research where information is collected first hand or directly. It is also known as field research as it normally involves going out in the field and finding information.

Primary Research

Before Errol Anderson Motors or any other company decides to carry out primary research they need to decide on the type of sample and the sample size of the population they will be taking to research. They need to find a sample size as investigating within the whole population would take too long and cost too much especially to Errol who doesn’t have that kind of large capital at his dispense.

    The two types of sampling used in business are random and quota sampling. To randomly select a sample Errol will need to obtain a list of the local population and pick out for example every 100th name and interview the chosen names. This costs money and takes time and Errol has neither this is why he should go with Quota sampling which is cheaper and easier to complete. To do quota sampling Errol will have to pick a criteria i.e. age 18-40 and interview both genders equally as many times as he wants to. An example is picking an age of 20-40 and interviewing 200 males and 200 females fitting the criteria. This can be more useful than random sampling as Errol will get to pick the particular criteria he wants to investigate which would be car owners.

Surveys; Surveys are normally found in a questionnaire form. They are lists of questions designed to find out thoughts of potential customers. As technology increases so does the amount of ways questionnaires can be created and dispersed. They can be handed out on the street or by post even over the phone. Questionnaires along with other primary research methods use two types of questions which are:

  • Closed questions which feature pre set options and allow people to tick or circle options they want. Points for this include the fact more people are willing to answer these questions as they are short and they are easy and there quick to interpret which is a big plus for Errol. However people might not agree with any of the options available and people can’t give opinions.
  • Open questions which feature questions which people answer in their own words giving their own opinion. This is good as Errol will be able to find out about peoples feelings as they express opinions but every answer is different meaning it will take much longer to put in graphs and interpret.
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Errol will need to analyse the data he collects and put them on tables and create graphs where he can then find out what he set out to find. Surveys can be most useful when finding out about collecting information about potential customers as you will be able to receive personal feedback from them.

Interviews; Interviews can be used differently to surveys as they can find out what the customers felt about the product and in Errol’s case the service. They will feature prepared and mostly open questions to get the interviewees full opinion.

Focus Groups; ...

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