to what extent is it important fora business to have a human resource manager

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To what extent it is important for a business to have a human resource manager?


        In modern business world level of competition is so high that we need to adopt a strategic pro-active approach to business activities. Strategy means evaluation, analysis and planning. It is so crucial to have a specialist decision maker to have possible right and accurate decision. This is normally the role of a manager. To make a difference as per competitors modern business need to focus on what they have specially. If marketing plan, operational procedures can help to make a difference, the real main asset of a business organisation is its human resource. This is considered to be differentiation. A specialist is so needed to work on this crucial and highly strategic issue.


We have normally two possibilities; the personnel approach and the human resource approach to workers issue. Because the personnel approach is bureaucratic, not flexible and because it focus on recruitment and selection without considering the need to adopt to be flexible and to train. Modern business is gradually adopting the human resource, which is a pro-active, strategy, flexible, aware of the importance of evaluation and training and so more appropriate in a world changing constantly

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Human resource management is important because they are responsible of the recruitment and selection process i.e. attracting a field of applicants to fill a vacancy and selecting an appropriate person for the job. Without a clear and agreed profile of the type of skills and so on that the firm is seeking, the selection process is likely to be unsatisfactory and will contribute to later problems like dissatisfaction, high staff turnover and a failure to make optimum use of resources. Therefore the HR manager will not only plan recruitment requirement but also will adopt the appropriate techniques to attract ...

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