Use the IS-LM model to demonstrate the effects upon a closed economy of:(a) a fiscal expansion: and (b) a monetary expansion.

Use the IS-LM model to demonstrate the effects upon a closed economy of:
(a) a fiscal expansion: and (b) a monetary expansion.
A fiscal expansion (i.e. an increase in government spending) will increase the level of aggregate demand ceterus parabus. To meet this increased demand for goods, output must rise. Figure 1 shows the effects of an increase in government spending. The IS curve shifts to the right to IS’ with the fiscal expansion. The magnitude of this shift is determined by both the size of the increase in government spending and the multiplier. If government spending increases by 50 units, and the multiplier is 1.5, then the IS curve will shift to the right by 75. The original equilibrium point - E - will move to E’ as interest levels are unchanged. This means that the money market is no longer in equilibrium, as there is an excess in demand for real balances – this will force an increase in interest rates and the equilibrium will move to E’’, where firms’ planned investment spending falls off, and the level of aggregate demand falls.