Recruitment and selection process, no matter how sophisticated the technical means of production; the ultimate success of an organisation depends upon the quality and contribution of its workforce. It follows that an organisation must have both an efficient recruitment policy and an efficient selection procedure to ensure that it has a workforce of the highest possible quality. Safeway need to recruit and select the employees effectively o the success of the business. This depends of the workforce, because some areas of Safeway don’t need help but some areas do, like the ‘Ambient’ staff, this controls the shop floor in keeping the shop floor tidy, full shelves etc. So this is a big factor that needs to be dealt with. There is a shortage of staff, due to people taking fewer hours because of university. So it is a time to recruit, and fast, because if the shelves are not full, customers will not appreciate it, and demand increases. Warehouse also gets full.
Some businesses can recruit within the workforce and retrain existing staff rather than recruiting. But Safeway needs to recruit. This will make the organisation bigger, and extra demand means extra labour. Also vacancies can be created through resignation, retirement and dismissal. Recruitment and selection will be important to the human resources department because they will be able to identify the areas needed in the business where help is required. Also they will know how the stock levels are in the warehouse so Safeway will know what’s required on the shop floor, demand for stock will not be a problem. They will also
need to recruit more so it will do well in the future and also Safeway now know that if they recruit more now they will not get this problem with job shortages so the human resources department can act on this.
Training and development, there is an important manpower planning which are continual review, identification and update of training and development programs. Factors such as the introduction of new technology or new working methods create training needs that have to be met if an organisation is to remain competitive. Staff at Safeway needs to be clear on what they are doing. To see if the staff have only skills, a skills audit can be done, this will identify any skills, qualification the employee already has this can reduce time because he/she might already be trained in some particular bits. This information will be important to the human resource system because the manager will not need to bother about training etc. this also will be cheaper. When they would motivate their workforce it will increase job satisfaction, thereby reduce absenteeism and labour turnover, there will be a reduce in wastage and accident rates by creating a consistent performance across the work force. They can also establish the most effective working methods in order to maximise productivity and remain competitive.
Performance management is when a business needs to manage the performance of its employees effectively if it is to stay competitive. This means that there must be effective management control exercised at both individual and organisational
level. Safeway have a number of competitors and needs to manage the performance of its employees effectively to remain competitive. Employees need to be monitored on a regular basis to make sure they are working to there full potential. This can result in promotion or even performance related pay (bonus) this could be if the employee has overcome his/her targets and objectives. This also is important to human resources department because they need to know how well each employee is doing and if some of them are not doing that well than expected then they can motivate them and encourage them, either way they will act on it. This has the most responsibility because they need to stay competitive so the performance management needs to plan and set objectives to individuals.
Overall in Safeway the responsibilities of the human resources functions are related to human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development and performance management. These are very important to the success of Safeway and in achieving their objectives because, this is how the organisation is organised and controlled. Without these the business will collapse because they will not be able to see the faults of the business clearly and cannot see if help is required in areas of the business. Also it is an excellent way of assessing the performance of Safeway and is good for the future.