What market forces have affected the price of property in Spain?

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What market forces have affected the price of property in Spain?

According to the Spanish government, the percentage increase on property in the third quarter of the year rose 13.2%, which has been the lowest percentage increase since the first quarter of the year 2002.

Even though it may seem to be a dramatic situation, it may have some positive aspects for the Spanish economy. Perhaps, these prices in the next few years will either, stabilise, or decrease if the country faced recession. If this were not to occur, people would stop purchasing houses due to the lack of finance for such expensive assets and hence, no effective demand. The percentage increase of the year 2004 was 17.4%, whilst this year it has only been 13.7% according to The Economist.

This is likely to happen, as it has already started in some countries. England, compared with Spain has already faced some depreciation on property. Government statistics show that there has been a drop of 3.5%. There are also records that illustrate that there has been oversupply on real estate, which may have caused the fall in price.

The following data shows that there is a glut in the market of housing. The quantity offered is OQS and the quantity demanded is OQD.

Both of these diagrams show the current situation in England. As there has been overproduction, the market has adjusted itself due to the oversupply. Supply and demand have been forced to move towards the equilibrium price which is the intersection point.

Drop in demand due to a fall off in housing construction can lead to a significant drop in the percentage GDP comparing to previous years. If employment fell to the same proportion, this would imply the loss of millions of jobs (wealth of many unemployed is subsidised by the state). Since the government (Spanish) is already running a deficit, and the country is running a trade deficit, the government's ability to use fiscal and monetary policies to boost the economy out of recession will be severely restricted. This can jeopardise the future of the Spanish economy.
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To avoid problems, the government has introduced a profit re-investment plan known as, ''La R.I.C'', to boost the economy. This is a fiscal policy adopted by them, which allows investors to keep most of 35% of the profit which must be reinvested in real estate, instead of that money going to Inland Revenue as tax. This indicates that their retained profit is much higher, as profit for tax is kept even though it's in assets rather than in capital.

As I mentioned earlier, it's very likely that prices in Spain will stabilise or fall. Reducing prices ...

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