When outside applicants post their CV’s into Sonora, there is a process, which takes place. All the CV’s are categorised into piles. Sonora use a grading system to choose the applicants who should be given interviews. One is a certain to have an interview, two is likely to have an interview depending on how many people have been sorted into pile one. Three is little or no chance of an interview and four is a certain no for an interview. All potential employees are given equal opportunities and all taken through the same process. Diane Sheridan and another manager run the interviews, all candidates are asked the same questions, they are then taken on a tour of the premises. At the end of the interview the candidates are given a score ranging from one being poor and five being excellent. Records are kept for every interview that takes place, and in some cases a second interview may be necessary.
If I were appointed as a Receptionist, I would need training for how to use the computer software and how all company documents are organised. I would also need to know all the health and safety procedures which need to be taken into place, such as only specially manufactured disinfected pens can be used in the premises. I would also be required to learn the procedure should the fire alarm go off, and any evacuation procedures. As a next step I may be asked to fill in invoices for orders, this would save time for the managers as they currently do this. It would also improve my experience and knowledge. As a receptionist filling in invoices would be important as all orders and goods in go straight to reception so it would be more effective and time would be saved for managers.
Explain how your application relates to the job description and why it is important for the business to have set procedures before they make a decision to select you. Explain the purpose of the training you may receive.
My application relates well to the job as a receptionist, because I have had two years previous experience working as a receptionist. The job description, which Sonora have written up, relates well to my previous experiences and my qualifications. I have enclosed a Job Description for a receptionist at Sonora. My CV and letter of application relates well to all the required skills, which Sonora are looking for in a receptionist. The job definition for a receptionist writes:
The post of receptionist is vital to the company in presenting a professional and courteous image to all external and internal contacts. The post is also instrumental in working with other members of the administration department to achieve the required levels of service to all other areas of the business.
With my previous job as a receptionist I have taken on the majority of the required skills, which Sonora are looking for. If I were offered the chance to have an interview I would be confident of success as long as I relate well the my CV in my interview and answer the questions well. It is likely that Sonora would contact some referees such as: Danetre School, Hanover Hotel, Northampton College. This would be for reference to see that I am what my CV and qualifications say I am. The most likely to be contacted would where I did my work experience. This is because I worked on reception in the Leisure Club of the Hotel.
It is very important for a fair procedure to be used when deciding whom to employ. When a new employee is recruited, Sonora will need to know all the skills they have and any experience and qualifications. The procedures allow for Sonora to know as much information as they can about the potential employee. They can ask as many questions as they wish when a candidate is having an interview. This procedure for Sonora’s interviews allows for much information about the candidate to be passed to Diane Sheridan. Diane Sheridan will make the final decision of whom to employ when a position is vacant. The procedure must be followed strictly otherwise, Sonora could be recruiting a employee who has no motivation to be successful, lack of experience and poor skills which are required for the job they have undertaken. This is why the interview is a very important part of the procedure for recruiting someone.
The CV of a candidate can be exaggerated and can make them look better skilled and qualified than they are. When Sonora conducts their interviews they have a copy of the candidate’s CV to hand. They can ask the candidate to back up their CV by bringing evidence. For example: a candidate’s CV could claim that they have basic food hygiene and a qualification in AS Level Business, they may be asked to bring their award certificate with them to prove this. This procedure has worked well for Sonora, as they have had no interviews where the CV does not match up to the person applying for the job.
If I was appointed as a receptionist the training I would need would have to be trained specifically to Sonora. The typical jobs for receptionists are: signing customers in and out, taking telephone calls, dealing with post, arranging meetings, writing up letters and using spreadsheets. When I visited Sonora Foods there were two receptionists present. They were dressed appropriately. All new employees at Sonora are given induction training, so they know how everything is operated and organised. The purpose of the training would need to be specific to everything as Sonora. I would need training for how to answer to the telephone as this is different for every business. As a receptionist the majority of calls I would receive would be from new customers and first impressions are vital and I would need to know everything the new customer would want to know.
The purpose of the training I would receive is so I would be able to do my job more effectively and more successfully, the training would also benefit me as I would learn new skills which I did not use in my previous job. At Sonora all new staff at Sonora Foods have induction training to get to know everything they will need to know. As a receptionist the purpose of my training would be high priority because the receptionist duties are very important for any business as it keeps the business running smoothly. For example: important calls will be taken by reception unless they are sent to managers, the daily post is very important for Sonora, because documents, cheques, important letters, and letters from potential customers need to be seen by the necessary managers. This is the job of the receptionist to sort out the incoming post.
Analyse the effectiveness of the recruitment procedure of Sonora Foods when selecting staff. Judge the likelihood of success of your application and suggest other training that the business might offer in the future.
Sonora have had very few employees who have decided to leave or have been asked to leave their jobs or sacked.
The likelihood of my application would depend on 3 areas. These are: my CV, my past jobs, experience and qualifications and how well my interview would go. Firstly Diane Sheridan would look at my CV and see if my qualifications and experience are worth an interview. Then the success of the interview would be the main point for the success of my application. If I answer all the questions asked with confidence and give across that I would be able to work effectively and achieve my potential, then I would be confident of employment from Sonora Foods.
Future training is likely to involve health and safety training for employees but this is only if there is a change in health and safety laws. All employees are up to date with current health and safety laws. Any new hygiene laws will need new training. Sonora have a very successful health and safety-training program for staff, this is important for Sonora as they produce food products. If new machinery is purchased, then training for the staff who will be using it will be needed. Or a new computer network will need receptionists and managers trained to use it for their jobs.
Sonora are involved with Investors in People, this means they must
Staff turnover is at a high rate which means people who Sonora have recruited have not left their jobs, so Sonora’s recruitment procedure must be working effectively. This is important because every time a position is vacant it will cost time and money to advertise the vacancy, conduct the interviews and arrange any training.
Taken from research from a visit to Sonora Foods on 28th October 2004.
Information told by Diane Sheridan (HR Co-Ordinator) from a visit to Sonora Foods on 28th October 2004.