Working in groups at the work place

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Organisations all around the world provide remarkable but extraordinary workplaces for millions of people. The majority of workplaces require employees to interact towards other fellow employees and the public. Working together with other employees generates a group. There are many ways to define a group, “A group may be defined as a collection of individuals who are interdependent in some way” (Johnson and Johnson, p15; 2003). According to this definition, working at the same organisation is the event, which affects them all, and it initiates the individuals to work together. The natures of groups produce a relationship between each individual, which expands from the interaction with one another. Not everyone will get along or have the same opinions, but this teaches everyone to appreciate the fact that all individuals are different and to identify the various cultures. In the workplace when the group gets along, it should improve the effectiveness of the relationships between the people identified. This will help the group to have a high morale and will improve the company’s reputation.

Lenards, is a well-known poultry shop, which serves a variety of fresh chicken. “It is a multi-award winning company, considered to be one of Australia's leading fresh food retailers and a pioneer in the kitchen ready market”(Dias, 2002). I am currently working at Lenards located at Middle Park, and have been employed there for approximately six months. During these six months, I have particularly become close to two fellow employees, Donika and Nick. I have also formed a good relationship with my manager Ray.

The objectives of this report will identify in individuals such as personality and attitudes, behaviors individuals demonstrate that leads a person to believe that they have those personalities and attitudes, the level of morale existing between people in the workplace and the indicators of morale that are present and any cultural and social differences that has an influence on the relationships of these people.


Ray (Supervisor)

Ray is of great importance to the team at Lenards as he is in charge of the business’s daily operations. Therefore his personality and attitudes reflect strongly upon the business. “Managers need to be aware of their own attitudes, assumptions and beliefs, as well as being sensitive to their subordinates’ perceptions, needs and motivations.” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2003, p.11).  

Rays duties reflect upon his personality, which makes his duties easier to perform. One important personality for managing is planning. Planning is where the decisions are made and are the “essence of a manager’s job” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2003, p.174). The decision making process is a set of eight steps including identifying a problem, selecting an alternative, and evaluating the decision’s effectiveness. Ray tries to be aware of the stores problems by making sure the employees are serving the customers the right way, and checking that all the procedures are carried out properly. When he identifies a problem within the team, he will usually inform the group about the problem so that no one else makes the same mistakes.

Organising is another major behavior for managing. This helps the business to be more organised with team responsibilities and also individual responsibilities. At the beginning of the day Ray sets out what he wants to be done, how it will be best to do it and when it should be done by. “The challenge for managers is to design an organisational structure that allows employees to effectively and efficiently do their work while accomplishing organisational goals and objectives.” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2003, p.274)

Leading, is concerned with the subject of behavior and the actions of people at work. It is important for managers to be good leaders so that they have good control over the employees and the business. These areas look towards “attitudes, personality, perception, learning and motivation” it also includes “norms, roles, team building and conflict” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2003, p.384). Ray is an understanding person, who tries not to judge. For example, if we are late for work and have a good reason for it he will understand and won’t go further into the situation by being nosey. He also gets along well with every customer and does not treat any customer differently no matter of their looks, or culture, etc.  

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“Job satisfaction refers to an individual’s general attitude towards their job.” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, Coulter, 2003, p. 389). Ray’s high involvement as the manager of Lenards has made him extremely motivated and displays positive attitudes. “Organisational commitment is an individual’s orientation towards to the organization in terms of loyalty identification and involvement.” (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, Coulter, 2003, p. 59). Ray participates in the workplace daily and he shows a considerably high commitment to the workplace.

He understands the different cultures of all employees and does not treat anyone different. “All managers are required to perform duties that involve people” ...

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