Just about every aspect of sport which we find exciting today was present in the chariot races of ancient Rome. Do you agree?

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Arta Ajeti 11B.2

27th  March 2010

‘Just about every aspect of sport which we find exciting today was present in the chariot races of ancient Rome.’ Do you agree?

Chariot races were one of the main forms of public entertainment in ancient Rome and they were exciting and exhilarating events that drove the crowds of Romans wild. They can be compared to modern day sports in several ways, although I cannot agree that every single aspect we wind enjoyable about sport was present in the chariot races.

The races were held in the Circus Maximus, which was a huge arena that could hold 250000 spectators or a quarter of the population of Rome. This was a massive size and would have increased the thrill of the races on a colossal scale. Similarly, we now have stadiums such as Wembley stadium, which is in fact smaller than the Circus Maximus.  However, the excitement of events taking place in large arenas is certainly present in the chariot races of ancient Rome.

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An important aspect that we find interesting and exciting about sport nowadays is team support; for example in football, where fans support their favourite team and root for them to win each match to win championships. This was present in the chariot races as there were four different factions (red, white, blue and green) to which charioteers belonged to, and fans supported one of these factions. What faction you supported was highly important and provided a sense of collaboration and team support; an aspect that sports fans nowadays find extremely exciting.

Most importantly, we know that during the races, the ...

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