What qualities does Odysseus show in Books 9-12

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Helen Ryder

What qualities does Odysseus show in Books 9-12?

Throughout the Odysseus we see many good and bad qualities of Odysseus.

Odysseus is known to be a great leader and these leadership qualities are presented in how he always looks out for his men. Although sometimes the advise he gives them is ignored and this reflects on the men’s stubbornness.

This behaviour is seen before the attack of the Cicones. Odysseus takes from Troy what he needs and is eager to leave. However, his men ignore this order and stay to celebrate. This stubborn behaviour leads to the loss of 6 men from each ship.

However, the loss of Odysseus’s men is very important in the Odysseys because it is important that he returns home alone.

Another of Odysseus’s good leadership ships is that he always makes time for the important ritual of sending them off to the underworld,

‘I would not let the curved ships sail before each of our poor comrades who had fallen in action against the Cicones had been tree times saluted with a ritual call’.

When Odysseus and his troops reached the land of the Lotus Eaters, there was a hard decision that Odysseus, as the leader, had to decide. His men had indulged in a drug which caused them to forget all thoughts of return.

Odysseus knew that he was going against their own free will but using his own force he dragged the men back to the ships, as they wept on the way. And to make sure there was no escape he even tied his own men up and dragged them under the benches.

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The lotus eaters were happy staying on the Island, with no worries and a happy life. But it was himself and his own welfare that Odysseus was thinking of because at this point in his journey home he could not afford to loose and more men. His men were essential because he needed them to row the boat and it would be impossible for his to make the voyage across the wine dark sea alone.

When Odysseus and his men land at unknown territory of the Cyclopes they are cautious. Odysseus skills of observation allow him to understand that the ...

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