A Day in the Life of

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At roughly seven forty five my dad wakes me up and then goes to work so I then slumber off again.  At eight fifteen my mother wakes me up but yet again I still enter the land of nod.  Again at eight thirty my auntie rings and I eventually get fed up and get up.  I grasp my dressing gown and stagger across the creaky landing into the bathroom.

As I walk through to the bathroom the orange light on the neighbour’s wall is on, it blinds me, so I quickly get a wash with my goofy flannel.  By now I have eventually woken up properly so I quickly dash into my room to get dressed.  It is always a problem trying to find my school pants.  When I have finished I run downstairs to put my shoes on and have some strawberry crunch for my breakfast.  When I have finished if it is my day to wash up I wash but if it isn’t my turn I drag my sister out of bed to wash up.

Now it is time to feed my pets. I have a cockatiel, two goldfish and a rabbit.  First I feed my two goldfish Satan and George.  They live in a cylinder fish bowl with a red top and a red bottom.  Next I go to feed Rolo my rabbit.  When it sees me coming it runs around and tries to eat his way through the wire meshing.  When I open the cage and try to take the food ball he growls at me or scratches me for taking his food dish.  Then I go to feed Millie my pet cockatiel this is easy but she screams at me when I walk out of the room to fill up her food dish.  When I replace the food dish she tries to bite chunks off my hands and fingers, it really hurts, and I usually bleed.  In my house pets are wonderful because every one loves them apart from my dad.  I have always wanted a dog but my dad doesn’t like them and he says that they cost too much to feed them.  Ever since that my Nan let me look after her dog Benny Bilboe Bagins.  I think that animals should be respected just like humans.

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Now it is time to wake up my mum because she has gone back to sleep.  I rush upstairs and open all the curtains wake up my mam and then run downstairs.  I grasp the handle of my bag and then wheel the bin in and then I remain perched on the sign outside my house.  Most of the time my friends are late or they have already been and gone because I get up to late.

Sometimes school is good but most of the time it is bad due to the amount of work I have ...

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