Design and Technology Project Design an Advertisement

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A commercial company requires an electronic advert to display their goods. Design and make an electronic advertisement to do this.

What makes an advert appealing?

  • Colour
  • Dynamic
  • Layout
  • Comedy
  • Interactivity
  • Shows the product in a positive form
  • Catches the consumers eye
  • Stimulating

Colour- Colour is very important in an advertisement as it is normally up to the colouring of the advert to draw the consumers’ eye to it. I have discovered a lot of information about colour in my research.

Stimulating- My project should be made stimulating as it would help to make the advert more memorable. I could do this by using outputs such as LED’s and possibly a buzzer. Using bright colours would also come into here.

Dynamic- This would be a mixture of what I said under the headings stimulating and colour.

Interactivity- I could ass this in by possibly making the consumer press a button to activate the outputs.

Layout- Possibly a simple layout would be best with an advertisement but one which best shows the product off.

Comedy- This would be up to what picture I used or possibly a line of text I put on my project but it is up to what product I wish to advertise.

Shows the product in a positive point- My project will have to show the product in a positive way as it would be useless to show it in a negative way if you want people to buy it.

LDR- A light dependant resistor changes its resistance to match the light hitting it. When there is a lot of light hitting it its resistance will be low and when there is no light hitting it its resistance will be high.

PTB- Push to break switch. Normally this switch is open but by pressing it, the switch opens and stops current from passing through it.

Thermistor- This input changes its resistance to match the temperature. When it is cold the resistance is high but by warming it up the resistance drops.

PTM- Push to make switch. By pressing this switch in, the switch closes and allows current to flow and by releasing it the switch opens and no current can pass through it.

Push- Push switch- This switch opens by pushing in the button and stays open. By pressing the button again the switch closes.

Microswitch- This is a switch that is closed by a small amount of force on a small metal arm.

Key Switch- This switch requires a key to turn it off and on which has security potential.

Tilt switch- This switch normally has mercury in it which when tilted the current way runs down and bridges contacts switching the device on.

Buzzer-This is a device which emits a buzzing sound when a large enough voltage is passed through it.



This is a simple filament bulb which emits light.

As you can see below there are two simple that can be used

for a bulb. He top one normally is used to signify that the

bulb is being used for lighting while the bottom would

normally signify that the bulb is used as an indicator.

Piezo transducer- These convert electrical signal to sound. The do require a driver however to produce the signal.

LED- light emitting diode. These produce red, green, yellow, or orange light. They last a long time but do not produce as much light as say a bulb.




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I think my finished project should:


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