Research and analysis of research
The methods that I used for my research were the following below:
.Surveys/ Questionnaires.
.Shop surveys.
.Photo graphs.
I used these four methods because they are the most effective ways of gathering information.
Its purpose is that you carry out a survey about your product e.g. Colours, price, materials etc. and you will find out the exact information that you are looking for. Also you will find out what is missing in the teenage market and what teenagers want. What I have found out by carrying out this survey is that teenagers prefer blue and green. This exactly matches my products theme. The ‘Natural Look’. Green and blue are the perfect colours and im pleased with my result because these were the colours I prefer as well. This result has influenced me because now I know what im going to do and how im going to make a product that will combine the two colours. I have learnt from my research because now I know what teenagers want. Also what will make my product different from the rest. Therefore the survey has helped a lot.