There is much evidence to suggest that shoes, or various foot coverings were one of the very first things that our ancient ancestors invented.  They were forced, by necessity to invent some sort of foot covering to protect their feet from jagged rocks, burning sands and rugged ground over which they lived and predated for food and shelter.  

The history of human development shows the importance of protecting the foot was recognised in the early stages of civilisation.  Records of the Egyptians, the Chinese and other early civilisations all contain references to shoes.  In the Bible, the shoe is mentioned on a number of occasions and the Hebrews also used it on several instances with legal significance, especially in binding a bargain.  

From various different types of shoes, you can tell the myths and legends of different races.  The shoe, even up until now, continues to tell those myths and legends which have come down on us.  Stories like Mercury’s Winged Sandals, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, and others all existed in some ancient and forgotten tongue, but are still well known to children.  The shoe has also been known to bring luck when thrown after the newly wedded couple.  

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In its very first form, the shoe was just a simple piece of plaited grass or rawhide, which was strapped to the feet.  Among the relics of the early Egyptians are some sandals made from plaited papyrus leaves, beautifully and artistically twisted.  Records show that sandal making had become a well-recognised art in the history of that country.


The sandal is still the most generally worn type of footwear in many warm countries.  In form and ornamentation it reflects the environment in which it was worn, together with the artistic tastes of the ...

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