Toufa Bouchouar


Mad cow disease paper

            Bovine spongiform encephalophathy ( BSE), which is mainly known as mad cow disease has infected the society and has put the lives of individuals at risk. This was very frightening to the people that ate meat during that time. The terrified people would not even want to eat hamburgers at MacDonald, steak at restaurant and much more. What also alarmed the people was the fact that there was a possibility of getting the human form of mad cow disease. This was called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) which is through tainted blood, but this was only a theory which was later proven wrong. Authorities in the United Kingdom said there was an adult who died from vCJD in early December 2003. They believed that he obtained this illness by a blood transfusion during surgery seven and a half years earlier. His donated blood came from what they thought was a healthy person in 1996, who apparently died three years later from vCJD. No one really knows what causes BSE, but what theories the scientists say might cause this disease is a protein  called a prion. This occurrence made the people even more worried,  this would also lead to business failure for the beef industries.

             Canada’s beef industry was shattered on May 20, 2003 when they found out that a cow in northern Alberta was tested positive for mad cow disease. Canada at the

 time was the third largest exporter of beef in the world. After the mad cow incident during the months of June July and August the values of the Canadian exports went down to practically zero. Before the whole incident in 2002 the Canadian market was worth about $4.1 billion. Canada also exported most of its meat to the United States, and at

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that time it was the world’s largest beef importing country. The US also had a case of mad cow disease on December 23, 2003. This horrible disease is a chronic, degenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system of cattle. The infected cow was from

 a farm in Washington. After killing the cattle, it was sold out with out the owner’s knowledge that the cow was infected with the deadly disease. Right when the US department of agriculture (USDA) found out, they launched an emergency investigation that involved the United States and Canada.  Canada and the States had a goal ...

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