Nutrients are split into two main groups, the macronutrients which contains carbohydrates, fats and protein and the micronutrients which contains vitamins and minerals. These split groups are based on the amounts of a nutrient needed

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Nutrition assignment 1

Nutrients are the chemical substances which we obtain from food. There are many different nutrients and they all provide the body with different things such as energy, structural materials, regulating agents to support body growth, maintenance and repair of the body’s tissues.

Nutrients are split into two main groups, the macronutrients which contains carbohydrates, fats and protein and the micronutrients which contains vitamins and minerals.  These split groups are based on the amounts of a nutrient needed in a person’s daily diet.  Therefore, we should eat more carbohydrates, fats and proteins each day than vitamins and minerals.


Carbohydrates are composed of composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to form compounds. Carbohydrates have a general molecular formula of CH O, this means that for every carbon and oxygen atom there will be twice as many hydrogen atoms.

Carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules which are classed into different groups depending on how many sugars the carbohydrate contains.  There are monosaccharides, which is made up of one sugar, disaccharides which consist of two sugars and there are polysaccharides which consists of many sugars.

Monosaccharides and disaccharides are called ‘simple carbohydrates’ as they taste sweet and dissolve in water.  Simple sugars enter the bloodstream soon after eating.  Polysaccharides are called ‘complex carbohydrates’ as they do not taste sweet and will not dissolve in water.  Polysaccharides take longer to break down than simple sugars and therefore glucose is released into the bloodstream at a much slower rate.

Monosaccharides consist of three carbohydrates and although they all have the same molecular formula of C H O , they are different because of how there atoms are arranged, because these carbohydrates contain six carbon atoms they are called hexose sugars.  They are:

  • Glucose - this is a ‘blood carbohydrate the immediate source of energy for energy production.

  • Galactose - this is a carbohydrate found in milk and yogurt

  • Fructose – this is a carbohydrate found in honey and fruits

Galactose and fructose are converted into glucose in the liver.  The glucose can then be used for energy production.

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Two monosaccharides can be linked together to form a disaccharide.  There are three disaccharides which are:

  • Sucrose – this is a common sugar made from the linking of glucose and fructose.

  • Lactose – this is a major carbohydrate in milk made from the linking of glucose and galactose.

  • Maltose – this is a product of starch digestion made from linking glucose to glucose

This process is called a condensation reaction of linking two monosaccharides results in the loss of a molecule of water (H O), therefore the molecular formula of each of the disaccharides is ...

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