Test and evaluate a linear position sensor, and identify a possible use for this sensor in every day life.

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        For my experiment, I chose to test and evaluate a linear position sensor, and identify a possible use for this sensor in every day life. The experiment was done using a variety of apparatus, as seen in the list below, and was set up as shown in the diagram which follows.


        Retort stand with two clamps

100g, 20g, and 10g weights with holder

Piece of string


        Precautions and Safety

        Safety was not a big issue when doing this experiment, as no harmful materials or apparatus were used. However, some precautions were taken. I made sure that I had enough space to carry out my experiment effectively, without worrying about knocking anything over; and when applying the weights to the sensor’s mechanical contact, I made sure to this gently, and not drop the weights on, which could damage the sensor.


        After gathering and setting up my apparatus, the circuit was connected using a pair of connecting wires, a few crocodile clips, a power source, multimeter, and of course the position sensor. In this sensor, the exact circuit set up is not known, however there are two possibilities, both of which are shown in the two diagrams which follow.

        Throughout the experiment, a constant supply voltage of 5 V was used, so as to maximize accuracy of the readings. The multimeter, set in voltmeter mode, was connected across or in parallel with the variable resistor, therefore measuring the output P.D or voltage across the variable resistor, and thus completing the potential divider circuit.

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        After this I began to carry out the experiment. The output P.D with no weights added was first recorded; and then 50g at a time, the other weights were added, and the corresponding output P.D readings recorded.  After numerous repetitions of this procedure (to minimize error), the process was repeated, but this time in reverse order. The output P.D was first recorded for the maximum weight used in the previous procedure, and then 50g at a time, weights were removed and the corresponding output P.D readings were recorded. This process was repeated a few times to minimize error.

        Each time ...

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