A Voice and its uses

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Shannon Bratt

Peggy Chang

WR 414/Frith

November 20, 2003

A Voice

The primary function of the voice is to communicate. The tone of a voice can calm, excite, manipulate, deceive, or persuade listeners. A voice has the ability to express extreme feelings. These unconscious feelings can come out as sounds of mercy, lust, pain, bliss, and fear. A voice also has the ability to create a primal, emotional, and social action and reaction depending on the tone and sound of a voice. When a person makes a sound or tone, it is formed by their voice. If a person uses her voice, she is creating action, and more than likely another person will react to her, especially if the sound of her voice is intense or unfamiliar.

For example, when a baby cries, it is only natural for a person to immediately respond, or react. Some people will give the baby a bottle or a toy instead of their voices, which may distract the baby and stop him from crying. Some people may talk to the baby in a childish or humorous voice. If the baby finds the act amusing, he may stop crying to enjoy the show, and may even react to the action by using his voice to laugh. For the most part, people will pick up a baby with intent of calming him. This is usually done using a soothing voice, at a lower tone, and may turn into a lullaby. The voice is non-threatening and pleasant, so the baby feels comfortable by the sound and stops crying. Not only did the person respond to the baby by picking it up and soothing him with a mild voice, but also the baby responded to the person and stopped crying.

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When an adult or older child cries, people may respond differently to them. For instance, let’s say a grown man is sobbing uncontrollably at a table in a quiet restaurant. More than likely, people will not respond to the man, they will instead continue eating their dinner, maybe over conversation about the annoying, weeping man. This is an instance where the voice can be ignored, and no response is given to the man’s voice.

Although this next example is very unlikely, it could happen. If the same sad man irritates another man at a different table, the irritated man ...

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