Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills

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Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills

In scene 2, the audience can see a slight change of pace. This is shown through the lack of physical violence in this scene in comparison to the previous scene 1. The pace starts off as fidgety as the two seven year old boys-Peter and Willie- can barely keep still but the pace hardly reaches any faster than this through the rest of the scene. The point in which they are both laughing and giggling uncontrollably is the only real point where the pace picks up a bit. This is when the boys are both laughing about Wallace peeing on a gorse bush due to the fact that he thought it “was on fire”. The subject of Wallace visibly fastens the pace, as is evidence in many other scenes. I think the slow pace of this scene shows the actual weakness of these two boys as their dilemmas and problems at their age are partially revealed through their banter and conversation. The seemingly raw subject of Donald and the beatings he receives at home seem to strike a misunderstood chord with the two boys but they shrug off the confusion and potential sadness and envelope themselves into another situation. This awkwardness is shown in the stage directions alone as “they fall silent” and the “tension that they do not understand” is quickly broken by more childishness, and they quickly run themselves into another less sensitive subject. The moments where there is quite a fast pace in this scene is only created by the characters purposely after they are bored and have nothing else to do or interesting to say. The subject of Donald is quickly followed by a purpose running about and “swooping” around by the two boys to bring up the energy levels. The back and forth conversation about the Dandy and Beano gets quite tedious for Peter and he quickly is distracted by something else more active and exciting.

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The characters in this scene are still both Willie and Peter and the relationship between the boys familiarly stays the same. In the previous scene, the audience saw that Peter was dominant in the relationship and frequently craved control of it and of Willie, often with physical violence but in this scene, he no longer results to this and uses his words more to cajole Willie into telling him where the jam jars are. Willie also still seems to have the upper hand in the argument though as he knows all the information Peter wants to get. Because of ...

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