Job Description
Basic Job Description Production Manager The job of the production manager is to assemble and lead the production staff, the stage manager also decides how much each department gets he's in charge of the money. The Production Manager will deliver the working budget to the financier during the "prep" period, therefore setting the business plan of the project. Typically, Producers are responsible for the cost-related decisions on above-the-line (primarily cast) issues, while the Production Manager is responsible for the below-the-line (production period) costs. The Film Director will usually have final decision on Cinematographer, Costume Designer, Production Designer, and Film Editor), and the UPM will make the deals and hire the remaining crew. Stage Manager Stage Managers are responsible for the running of the show when it is 'up' or has started. Although the Deputy Stage Manager is often the one who 'calls the show' - which means tells the technicians what to do. The Stage Manager is responsible for organizing the production, communicating across different disciplines, and keeping everything running smoothly Assistant Stage Manager An ASM or assistant stage manager is a theater technician who is responsible for keeping track of cast members, sets, and miscellaneous details during rehearsals and production of a stage performance. During the running of a show, they are
Essay comparing short story Paths(TM) with improvised drama developed from news article Mystery o
Essay comparing short story 'Paths' with improvised drama developed from news article 'Mystery of Dead Young Female' In this essay I am going to be comparing a short story 'Paths' with the improvised version of 'Mystery of Dead Young Female'. 'Paths' is about a boy who decides to go home through the woods, where he finds different paths and does not know which way to go. He finds a girl from the 19th Century and tries to go back in their time, but he can't as soon as he gets close to the exit of the woods to a different time he can't move he gets paralyzed. So he goes back to were he met the girl and she comes along and then they find someone else there, who they think is from the Viking time, but he is from the future and then Kevin runs home. The 'Mystery of Dead Young Female', is used with a bit of improvisation, it is from an article in Southwold Gazette, 19th January, 1869. This is about a young woman found in the porch of a church; she is dead and knows one has bothered to identify her. And they all try not to get involves when they did see her and she approached the Manor House and everyone living in there denied seeing her. We improvised from this, which was developed as part of GCSE Drama Course, in June 2006. 'Paths' is written by John Christopher, he uses a mixture of people from the past, present and future, which is a good way to write a book as many writers
how did your role emerge within the production
How did your role emerge and how was it communicated? Our devised piece was done using lots of short scenes which were put together to create the final production, so therefore we had numerous characters multiple roles. This was challenging and demanding but it helped us use different acting techniques e.g. voice, movement and facial expressions. So the audience would be able to differentiate between the different characters. I had two main roles in our production and the first character i worked on was probably the most difficult. We started our play off with a scene about Adam and Eve 'In the beginning' but felt it didn't relate to the circus theme. So we decided to add clowns to link each scene together ad add some fun and silliness to the beginning. We decided to have three clowns and thought it important to have the red noses because the audience would instantly recognize what we were playing. Physicality was really important in creating the clown character because we had no lines to say. I decided that I would start by creating a walk for my character because I felt this would help give me an idea of the type of character i wanted my clown to be. I also decided to exaggerate all my movements to make it humorous, emphasize and make it clear to the audience what I am doing. The set and lighting created the opening to the circus with flashing coloured lights. Sound was
GCSE Drama: Summative Task: Designer Option
Introduction I will be exploring the role of a designer in the play 'Romeo & Juliet' by William Shakespeare. The play is set in China but the storyline is slightly different although the ending is the same as in all tragedies. This is because of designing purposes as this will enable me to use different types of designs in costumes, the set etc and it will also fit in with the Chinese cultures and general circumstances which were very different to Shakespeare's Elizabethan setting. The Capulets are the governing body of China and rule the country The Montagues are British settlers who have, like many times in history, tried to conquer China. The prince is the governor of the French army who successfully conquered China before the English did. Despite hat, he has still given Capulet, the emperor of China, the responsibility of running the Chinese empire. All these changes will influence the design of the costumes as well as the set. The differences in make-up will be vast and will be clearly visible between the English and Chinese characters. Set Design I chose a rotating stage on which to put my set and created a set in which all of the four sides would act as a background in order to accommodate the scenes. The idea came from 'Our House' by John Godber, where the set is hanging from the ceiling and the stage is rotatable which allows for quick scene changes and quick set
Frankenstein-The Monster Monologue Script
(JUMP DOWN FROM TABLE) Yes Frankenstein, it's me, your creation...Your work of art, your hideous art. And where have I been, Frankenstein, where have I been...well I'll you...I'VE BEEN SUFFERING! I asked him nicely to come with me because I just wanted to play with him. But he said that he would 'tell his brother, Frankenstein to punish me, an ugly monster'. After I heard him mention your name, (HAND MOVEMENTS) anger and hatred filled me. You, Frankenstein took away my happiness and love so I had to take that away from you too. At that moment I killed your brother, oh yes Frankenstein I felt happy and for the first time I actually laughed... AHAHAHAHAHA. (LOOK DOWN) You my creator, my GOD should understand me, raise me and teach me things. But instead you abandon and bailed me. You took away (HAND MOVEMENTS) everything, my life and happiness. Why did you leave me it because I did not turn out as you predicted. No! Frankenstein! I did not betray you; you were the one who betrayed me, and you left me. Have you ever thought about my life and what I've been through? Frankenstein... HAVE I NOT SUFFERED ENOUGH!!! (SAD) I just want to live a normal life... Even though I'm ugly and smell like grave, my heart is warm just like everybody else's. At first everything seems beautiful, I did not wish to harm anything. All things that surround me amaze me. Give
Why Oedipus is a Tragic Hero?
Why Oedipus is a Tragic Hero? The play Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, combines many wonderful characters with dramatic ironies. One of the most interesting and important character of the play is Oedipus. People often debate whether he is a tragic hero or not. According to Aristotle's five steps of tragic hero, Oedipus is a true tragic hero. The first step of tragic hero is one must be noble stature and greatness. To become a tragic hero, Oedipus must be over the others. "Great Oedipus, O powerful King of Thebes!" (pg 4) Oedipus is the King-the King of Thebes. At the end of the play, he's not the King any more; however, he has the King's blood. "O Oedipus, most royal one!"(pg 66) No matter he is the King or not, he is the most royal one after all. Tragic heros are not perfect, and Oedipus is far away from perfect. "How can I believe you?"(pg 33) Oedipus does not listen to other people's advice and he does not believe what he could not see. That's the reason of Oedipus being rude. The falling of tragic hero is caused by himself/ herself. Oedipus killed his father and married to his mother. He may not realize he did that, but his sin is done by himself. "We heard her call upon Laios, dead so many years, And heard her wail for the double fruit of her marriage, A husband by her husband, children by her child."(pg 68) Her mother's death is indirectly caused by him. Of course,
Discus, in detail, how you would play John in Dennis Potters, Blue Remembered Hills.
Discus, in detail, how you would play John in Dennis Potters, Blue Remembered Hills. I am going to discus how I would play John in scene 16 of Blue Remembered Hills. Firstly John is a seven year old boy so I would have to talk with a much higher voice. Also he is from the Forest of dean so I would have to talk with a West Country accent I can also see this from the colloquial language Potter has used to write the play. So I would try and maintain this throughout the scene. Young children find it hard to stay still they are almost always moving or fiddling with something. I would have to keep this up throughout the scene. Young children also loose focus easily and get distracted by little things that they might see so when John is not doing anything I would pick up something and play with it. John has the highest status in the play as he and Peter had a fight and John won. I would have John wearing grey school shorts, a white t-shirt and old scruffy black shoes to show they are the only pair he has and he cant afford a new pair. At the beginning of scene 16 John, Willie, Raymond, Audrey and Angela have heard the siren to show a prisoner of war has escaped and they have found a hollow and jumped into it to hide. They have been running so they are out of breath so I would have John gasping for air for the first few seconds of the scene. I would have the two girls
Billy Liar: How to play Rita in her first scene
Set Text Essay - Billy Liar 6a) I have been using the Nelson Thornes Dramascripts edition of Billy Liar. I will discuss how I would play Rita in the selected scene. In this particular scene, I think it is important to show how aggravating the character of Rita is to everyone else on stage, and while I want the audience to understand this too, it is also a scene rich in moments with comic potential. For most of the section, Rita is pushy and aggressive; however there are occasional moments when she almost lets her guard down. I wish to explore the subtextual side of Rita's personality including the motives for her wanting the engagement ring from Billy. I view Rita as more complex than she may appear on first impressions, and instead of solely wanting the ring to show off, she may desire the ring to give her a feeling of belonging, to prove to herself and those around her that she can be loved, as in places, she could be seen as a deeply insecure character. At the beginning of the selected section, when Rita first makes her entrance, I want the audience to see how Rita does anything to get what she wants, even if it entails storming into a stranger's house. I would also want the audience to see that she is a formidable character, who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. I would enter onto the stage by striding from the back of the room, through the gap in the middle
blue remembered hills2
Blue Remembered Hills Drama Coursework Development When we ere given our parts, I was given the part of Angela, who I knew from reading the script was the spoilt, annoying child! I was pleased with this because I thought it would be fun to play. I thought this because even though I didn't have a great deal of lines, I thought it would be fun to show the personality of my character through movement, compared to dialogue. Our group were given the end part of the play (scenes 15-29), which was possibly one of the more significant parts of the play. It was important because it was at the end of the play when Donald dies, which would be a sad moment for the audience, and we had to portray the feelings of sadness. This was most definitely the key event in our scenes. After we had explored the play more, we started to rehearse and perfect our parts. Our group wanted to reach a stage where we had a piece that we were ready to perform and one that we were happy with, because we had the end scene; we knew it had to be of a good standard. We also wanted to have lots of energy in our performance. We thought the best way to achieve this would be to rehearse a lot. When we started rehearsals, we found that some people struggled with the West Country accent. This then led to some people getting very irritated with the play and feeling as if we would never reach a point where we could
How would you direct the characters Abigail and Proctor to convey meaning to an audience?
How would you direct the characters Abigail and Proctor to convey meaning to an audience? Abigail: On the line 'Give me a word, John. A Soft word' Abigail should come closer to Proctor and stroke the side of his face gently. This conveys that she still is in love with john and wants to tempt him back to her. She should also bat her eyelids at him softly too. After this, Proctor says 'No, no, Abby. That's done with now' Abby should spring back and have a shocked expression but then move in closer again and say the next line. This conveys that John Proctor does not want another relationship with Abigail but shows that Abigail has the determination to not give up until she has her man. When she says the line 'you come five mile to see a silly girl fly? I know you better.' She should say this in a tauntingly fashion and give him eye contact while saying this. This shows that she is really trying hard to catch him in a gaze to grab his attention more and she should say the line flirtatiously; and Abigail puts her hand around his neck. As john attempts to push Abigail away, Abigail grabs hold of John Proctors hand in desperation and holds it firmly. Then she says the line: 'John-I am waiting for you every night.' The Abigail's eyes start to water slightly but no tears come out of her eyes. This conveys that she is upset by him not wanting her again, but shows that she