As a feeling person, I make decisions regarding life, and people in my life, predicated on understanding and recognition, and my individual ethics. In an effort to administer reasoning to my feelings, I investigate the task and then make a decision according to how I am affected.
As a judging person, I am fixated and seldom adaptive. For the most part, my perception of an issue is one sided. This is illustrated in my life when I have disagreements with my fiancé. I am dogmatic when situations arise that send the norm into a tailspin: whether it be with gamily, business or friends.
My weaknesses, which I prefer to label “challenges”, are that I look to delay projects. This can encompass many aspects of my business life: congregating with associates, arrangement of improvised meetings and the conclusion of missions that I deem uninteresting. The inquisitive nature that I possess causes me to associate with problems that I can’t answer or that are not my concern. Another “challenge” that I need to overcome is to adhere to the function of a completed issue.
An admirable self-concept stems from divine appreciation that I have through strong religious faith. I appreciate my accomplishments and respect myself and others. In an attempt to be a better person, I focus on the best interest of the team as a whole. Feeding off the energy of a cohesive I find respect and acknowledgement from those around me.
Making errors is a part of the learning process; there is no tolerance for excuses. Mistakes are learning opportunities that can make living more enjoyable.
In a task oriented environment, I view myself as the quintessential team player. Through the use of a regimented, time honored schedule, I accomplish the goals that I create for myself.
Learning Style
In taking the DVC Learning style test, I am a “Auditory/Verbal Learner”. I do extremely well in a classroom environment. Through participation and oral lectures, I benefit from group learning. This setting lets assist others in their attainment of knowledge which is a catalyst for enthusiasm and fulfillment. Yes, I think aloud- yet in a team environment, this interaction is crucial; to administer this type of gathering information to our studies I have formed a working relationship with a member of the class. Through an online experience, team conversation flows more rapidly and constructively.
My strength is that I am able to grasp a task, learn it, and move on (instead of harboring the big picture before it comes). My personality creates a judging side that may create altermnative thoughts.
As a learner I have had dilemma with rejection. If my opinion isn’t heard in a team setting, my contribution lingers and fades. To me, a small class setting through the utilization of teams or groups is an ideal learning environment. Learning, together as a team, generates a continuous contribution of feedback- positive or negative.
As an audio visual learner, diagrams, maps and charts are an imperitive portion of my learning style. I also use the technique of writing and rewriting notes to increase my short-term memory.
Strategic Plan of Improvement
Self-improvement is process that needs careful revision and dissection. I have implemented a six-step self-tailor made program that I have begun to incorporate in my life and at my business.
Implement a morning prayer to start the day. This would give me the confidence to work in teams and/ or lead them. The relief of stress and daily aggravation will give me unparalled strength. Implement the belief that organization is the key to success. Daily upkeep and next-day pre-preparation should be implemented here. Next, I need to learn to completely finish detailed tasks and appreciate my work.. Then I should brainstorm ideas for pre-decision making; after this, I should step away for some time, then revise my work. Then, (as a current strategic goal), I should complete this course with an exceptional grade and later obtain my MBA (future strategic goal). After this, I need to maintain all that I wish to achieve. Finally, I should consider careful revision of goals after a certain period of time elapses.
After careful consideration, I could only come up with one sane conclusion. This test attempts to pigeon-hole people into thinking that they are something that they may not always be. I feel that my learning type is much more diverse and complicated than what was stated in the text. The world is not always black and white; I’d like to believe that the world and its people create shades of gray. From the home-front to the office, people wear different hats- my adaptability is dependent on my surroundings. In sum, due to my argumentative nature, the textbook definition, of who I am, only applied to one aspect of me – “Judging” John Elias.