Drama Coursework

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Rebecca Henry

GCSE Drama Coursework                                                            Rebecca Henry

Response Phase - Hot Seating

In today's lesson we were given a fact sheet, out lining the information and the story of the 'Hanging of Ruth Ellis'. We discussed the case and who was to blame. During our discussion it became clear to us that Ruth Ellis did actually commit a premeditated murder, but on the other hand that David Blakely's abusive treatment towards her was unacceptable.

We devised a performance it was a court case investigating David Blakely's murder. We used flashbacks to unfold the story. It was also interesting to see that some of the group was split some felt sympathy with David Blakely and others Ruth Ellis. After the performance we did hot-seating.

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Hot-Seating is when you are asked a variety of questions and you have to answer in role. Hot-seating is used to give a better understanding for the actors and audience, so that they can learn more about the character.

I was seated in front of the class while the remainders of the class were seated in a semi-circle around me. The task then started.


  1. How did he abuse you?

He would constantly verbally abuse me sometimes he became so angry. Most of the time ...

This is a preview of the whole essay