Drama Portfolio ~ Fear.

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Drama Portfolio ~ Fear ~ Hanaa Anwar ~ Ms.Routledge ~ 10.2 ~ 11G


In workshop one there was two forms of drama; straight improvisation and teacher in-role. This was structured by having the class in a semi circle and the teacher walking in straight in-role as the manager of the youth hostel. The teacher said in-role that we were 'experienced therapists' this automatically made clear on the role we were to play so we were quick to think as the form was straight improvisation. Structuring the drama as a semi circle of chairs gave the impression it was a meeting of some sort. The opening of the circle where the manager sat showed the meeting was being lead by a person of higher status. In the second half of the workshop the class was working in pairs, the form was still straight improvisation. We were carrying on from being therapists in this youth hostel but one of the pairs was now the girl we were treating with therapy. This is where our stimulus came in to use. Our stimuli was a picture of a girl screaming, holding her head in pain, surrounded by a lake with two people walking away. This was drawn by the girl who was in therapy. The aim of the drama was to try and get as much information out of the girl about why she had drawn this picture, what it represented and find out who she was, using therapy, as she didn't talk. The stimulus helped us with the form because we couldn't plan what we were going to do but from the stimulus we could see what drama we could create. Both pairs knew what the therapist would be doing but no one knew how the girl was going to react this was good because the straight improvisation would mean each pairs drama piece would differ.

During workshops two and three the significant moment in our drama piece was when the disturbed girl, who was being treated by therapists, was taken to a river. This was suggested by a therapist as the girl had drawn water in her picture so maybe taking her to a river would open her up. Her reaction to being taken to the river was a frightened one. The girl became scared and then saw a cigarette being lighted this frightened her even more and she ran in to a corner. This showed the therapists that not only did she have a strange reaction to water but to open flames too so maybe something had happened in the past involving flames and water that had caused her to have such a reaction. This was the significant moment in the drama however due to lack of time we didn't get to symbolize it as much as we would have liked. If we had the time, I would put a red spotlight on the disturbed girl, when she ran in the corner, and then play some dramatic classical music to signify her panic. While the red spotlight would indicate the danger she was in before that made her scared of the river and lighter. After that I would do a flashback showing what actually happened that had made her so frightened.

In workshop four we had to create a nightmare sequence based upon a phobia. Our group talked about the kinds of phobias we could do but due to lack of time we were not able to create the nightmare sequence. If we had the time to form it I would have chosen the phobia; 'fear of clowns'. The form of the drama would be nightmare sequence (stylistic). I would structure the nightmare sequence using: -

* Music (fairground music)

* Masks (clown)

* Lighting

* Keywords

* Vicious circle
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I would start off by having the music playing at a slow speed and the volume quite low; gradually I would speed the music up and increase the volume. The girl would be walking but as the volume increases so would her pace. At this point I believe her thoughts would be jumbled, to show this, people off-stage would shout out her thoughts for example; 'what is happening?', 'where am I?' the voices would be echoed for a bigger impact such as; 'where am I? ... am I ...am I ... am I ... I ...' hereafter I ...

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