In his 1940 comedy/drama

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Sonia Gurtata

English A1 Higher

01.05.05                                Sonia Gurtata                                English A1 Highe                                01/05/05

An Essay on Good Person of Szechwan

The main theme of this play and the techniques Brecht used to convey this theme:

Most of us understand better with age that recognizing goodness isn't always easy. Is justice as good as kindness? When does kindness become weakness? When does justice become callous?

In his 1940 comedy/drama "The Good Person of Szechuan," Bertolt Brecht the great German playwright who died in 1956 at age 58, does something better than merely answer these questions. He explores them. The script, has the crazy energy of farce, but doesn't tie up into a happy ending. You laugh throughout book, but finish leaving disturbed.

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Three gods recruit a water seller to help them find a good human being, if there is any such thing left. They find their prize in prostitute Shen Te. When the gods award her a sizable amount of money, she opens a tobacco shop and vows to be a good person forever. People immediately take advantage of her. Suddenly she's a male version of herself, Shui Ta, a cousin and instead of mercy, he/she begins handing out unbending justice. Brecht doesn't allow us to get too involved in the characters. He's more interested in getting us to think.


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