In many films you can see that when actors have lots of problems they go and refuge themselves in cigarettes, alcohols, drugs and some even suicide themselves. In the sketch you can see that when his father takes him for the culprit, he started to drink alcohol and this has resulted into a lot of problems for not only him but also his parents.
This does not happen only in films but also in the actual life. I myself have a relative who has started smoking just because of his own problems. One day I asked him why he has started smoking. He told me that when his business was not working well he had no one to entrust himself and then started to smoke and as you all know “once pop up can’t stop” now he is unable to quit smoking by himself. So just imagine that you go and tell your parents about your problems and they do not listen to you or make you the culprit without knowing the whole problem. What would be your reaction? Won’t you react in the same way as these persons? Naturally this will discourage you even more.
Thinking positively
Thinking plays a very important role in our everyday life. Every action is accompanied by a thought. There are two main ways of thinking; Thinking positively and thinking negatively. Frankly speaking thinking positively is much better for yourself and your surroundings.
Any negative thought can have terrible consequences and this is one of the factors that prevents national unity. Jealousy is an imperfection that man has a role to play in the creation of negative thinking. For example a person can see his wife talking with a stranger. If the man thinks negatively about it, then consequences like fighting may lead to divorce; now if the couple has children just imagine through which trauma they would be going and what the catastrophe would be. But if instead the man would have thought positively, then there would have been lesser chance of having problems as he would have trusted his wife. Thinking positively shows that there is a mutual respect between two people.
Another example is the interaction between the parent and their children. Many parents are against the idea of their son or daughter befriending a person of different sex. This can be at time very annoying to the child. The parents must think of it in a positive manner. If they know that they can trust their child enough and that the latter will not commit any mistake that will make either the child or the parent regret the problem of negative thinking will not arise at all. If instead the parent has positive thinking of his son or daughter, the latter will never try to deceive the parent.
These two vivid examples show you how bring along love and peace in a family. As you can see, lack of trust in a family destroys its peace and there will never be peace in the family. So trust in a family is a very important factor and this will allow have national unity in the family. All relation are based on trust. It is very important to trust your partner, son or whatever it may be as it will allow to create a better relation.