Shakespeare-Midsummer Night's dream

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GSCE English Coursework: A Midsummer Nights Dream 

Question 3

In what ways have you found A Midsummer Night’s Dream interesting as a play for dramatic performance?


I found that William Shakespeare's ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ as a dramatic performance was outstanding. It had a lot of different aspects that brought the play to life on the stage and more recently on our television screens, from the love triangle of the Athenian lovers to the entertaining mechanicals play.

Shakespeare’s play has been turned into theatrical performances and visual performances on new technology that have appeared in the last century. The play had different plots that co-existed with each other. The portion that I found most entertaining was the fairies. Fairies were spirit beings that live in the woodlands in the country. The greenery of the woods was a calamity, belonging to the spirit world, in this case the fairies. It was a popular belief in Shakespeare’s time that the world was filled with these good and bad spirits. Since Oberon was on a break with Titania, he was helpless I perceived. So he wanted to help the humans with their problem. The impish duo of Oberon and puck made the play wittier.

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Many people thought that fairies lived in their own kingdom and couldn’t be seen by humans. The fairies only let the humans see them occasionally in dreams. This is symbolic, because it refers to the title of Shakespeare’s play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.  The magic that was used in the play helped the play come to life, because it creates humour. In the video adaptation, the magic would be done in special effects to make it look mysterious and supernatural, because of the new technology we have now. In a theatrical production in the globe, which was a popular venue ...

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