Speaking out for those without a voice

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GCSE Edexcel Drama Unit 1 paper 1 Portfolio Victoria Port

Speaking out for those without a voice

Response phase

Stimulus text one – Poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller

The class was split into groups to discus the poem. We discussed what feeling and emotion the author was trying to portray and how the poem made us think about and feel. The poem had a repetitive feel and used the same line ‘I didn’t speak up because….’ and ‘then they came for…’ to end each line. This was insistent repetitiveness, which gave the feeling of time going by. The poem is very matter of fact and simple, which makes it more emotive.  From reading the poem I made an educated guess that the ‘They’ that kept being referred to were the Nazis who took power in 1933. This gave us an idea for the era and social background to the poem.  In my group we all asked the question ‘Why did he not speak out?’.  We know he was a religious man because of his title, however he hasn’t adopted the Christian duty of speaking up for those without a voice. The first thing that came to mind was fear and oppression. The poem suggests that over time these minority groups, like the Jews, were being taken to concentration camps without much opposition from them or the people in the community around them. The last line ‘ Then they came for me- and by that time no one was left to speak out’ gives a feeling of immense guilt and regret.  It creates the image of the speaker being alone and wanting someone to stand in his corner to fight for his case.

We were set the task of creating a ‘freeze frame’ using an idea or theme from the poem. Something that I thought was very relevant then and now was the failure to question so that was our focus.  

We wanted to portray something going on in the middle and then on either side to people failing to question. Myself and another character both had our backs turned to what was going on in the middle. In order to show this we had turned our backs to our responsibility. In the middle of the ‘freeze frame’ we had Sarah pointing at Sally who was on her knees. Firstly the different levels portrayed Sarah’s higher status and authority. We also wanted to show Sally looking at me with a pleading look in her eyes because I had turned my head slightly to see what was happening. Both Natalie and I did nothing to help Sally’s character and this linked back to the poem.

Another group’s work, which helped my understanding of the stimulus text, was Jen’s group. They chose the ideas of being alone and ignorance. The group wanted to show the cowardice of the speaker in the poem. On actor was standing over the other and was acting as his conscience, pointing him towards two guards who were taking their victim away. On guard’s hand covered the victims mouth to stop her from speaking out for herself and this should have urged the character playing the voice of the poem to stand up and speak out for her. What ‘the victims’ character was doing gave me the idea of being alone because she was the minority being taken away by to others. She had no family or friends around her and I got the sense of her feeling very isolated and mentally alone. However I did not really see how they portrayed ‘ignorance’. The voice in the poem was not ignorant to the things going on around him he simple chose not to act, which is different from being ignorant.



Stimulus text two – picture

We were again split into groups and discussed a picture, which showed a man, a boy and a woman.  Each of the people had a different expression on there face. The Man looked bitter yet I got the feeling that he had been there a long time and had accepted the situation and his fate whatever that may be. The younger boy looked angry and resentful. He looked like he was ready to rebel and fight. I thought that he might have contained some of the spirit the older man had to begin with but had died with time. The woman was placed behind the two other males and I saw this possibly as a protection stance. She had poked her head carefully round the two men to show her interest however you got the feeling that they had been there a long time and she had begun to not care about anything.

We then had to discus what the people in the picture could see and construct a scene using two drama strategies, which we felt, would help convey our ideas best to our audience. We decided that the people in the picture were sitting in a transportation train to a concentration camp and they could see other people just like. We also wanted the voice from the poem to have been rounded onto the train so that the people on the picture would also see him.

Our scene started with three people who were sat very similar to those on the picture. We used ‘freeze frame’ as the first strategy and then the voice from the poem entered. He was on one side, which showed him as ostracised from the group of people he was about to join. We all looked up at him but used no dialogue at this point because we wanted the looks on our face to show the question we were all asking, ‘Why?’

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Then we ‘froze’ again to emphasise the importance of the tableau and moved into the second part of the scene, which showed what was going round in Niemoller mind. The main aim was to get across Niemoller’s guilt for not helping these people when he sees them in the state they are in. William who played Niemoller sat in the middle on a chair and the four of us placed ourselves in a circular shape around him. We wanted to use hot seating but in a different way that would make more of an impact on the audience and show ...

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