Tao Te Ching

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Tao Te Ching


        I believe that the Taoism is a great guideline for people to follow.  The book teaches you important virtues in life, and shows everyone that you don’t have to possess everything to be happy.  I also believe that people have to try and reach their full potential in life.  If you can find the middle of the two that is when you will find true happiness.

        The Tao Te Ching is a great book for anyone to read if they want to know what it actually means to live well.  The book teaches the ways of Taoism, in this way of life a person has no want for anything material or physical, instead there life is based of spiritual well being.  The world is so full of people today that base their whole life on how much money the make and how nice of a car they drive.  When all these people are fighting so hard just to get more money then in return this is going to separate communities into income brackets And it also creates poverty.  People are so concentrated on doing things that they don’t take time to stop and realize what they are missing.  Some parents are so busy with their work that they can’t make it to watch their son at this youth baseball game.  Or people are in such a big rush to get some where that they don’t stop and look at how beautiful the landscape around them is.  The biggest problem I see in the world today is that people are so worried about themselves and what they are doing they don’t care about the person beside them and I think if everyone just read into Tao Te Ching they would develop a different outlook on life and how truly great it is.

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        I agree with the text in the book saying that anybody who tries to control something in the end.  The more you try and control something the faster it is going to be out of your reach. 

“Trying to control the world?  I see you won’t succeed.  The world is a spiritual vessel and cannot be controlled.  Those who control, fail.  Those who grasp, lose.”(29)


        All you can do is worry about yourself and try to be a better person and learn from life’s little mistakes.  A person cannot control the future and cannot change the past, people ...

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