‘Educating Rita’ By Willy Russell - The way in which Russell maintains the audiences interest at the same time as presenting important ideas about education.

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'Educating Rita' By Willy Russell

The way in which Russell maintains the audiences

interest at the same time as

presenting important

ideas about


The play 'Educating Rita' is a story about a young woman's determination to change her life. She is a dissatisfied hairdresser who wants an education to get beyond the culture she was born into. She commits herself to an Open University course where she meets Frank. Her tutor. He is not the best tutor to meet her needs but Rita is shrewd enough to recognise that he belongs to a different culture and offers her access to an intellectual and social confidence. Rita and Frank 'hit it off' from the outset - a fatal attraction of opposites, but, they have more in common than is first realised. Frank, like Rita is also dissatisfied and sees his existence as hollow and sham, made more bearable by a constant flow of scotch. Rita helps Frank escape from a life, which he is not too fond of, with her funny, charming and delightful character, just, as Frank lets her escape from hers.

Educating Rita was written in the early 1980's. At this time, in Britain, there was a great deal of unemployment. This unemployment was due to the major companies, such as steel and coal, changing hands from private state companies to national companies. This was done to re-structure the economy. Nationalised industries were labour intensive and new skills were required to work the new technology, brought in from abroad. Many of the workers from the private companies didn't have these required skills. Their jobs in the private companies were the only jobs they had ever had, and most of the workers had gone into these jobs straight from school, with no further education.

Education was put under the microscope and the government set out to change people's perceptions of education. Many people believed in the functional view of education - that it was mearly there to get them jobs. They were only interested in the outcomes. What the government wanted was to make people see education as intrinsic. They wanted people to be able to think for themselves, determine their own lives and future - all part of personal development. The purpose of education became a national priority. 'Educating Rita' questions the functional view.

Rita's social group believe in the functional view of education. She is in a relationship with a man who believes in getting a job, marrying and then having a baby. Rita doesn't want her life to be mapped out this and goes to Frank to get an education, allowing her to have choice in her life.
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Not only does Rita have to improve her educational skills, she has to develop personally as well. Rita confuses this development, in her wish to be like the higher classes. She becomes a mouthpiece for others ideas. She thinks to be like her idols she will have to think like them. She thinks by becoming just as they are, she will impress Frank. Frank soon lets her know this is not how he wants her to be:

'As Trish says there is not a lot of point in discussing beautiful literature in an ugly voice'

'Well ...

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