Eddie Cummins
5th Period
4 Paragraph Essay on Honesty
The definition of honesty is not lying, stealing or deceiving/sincere and frank. Now for me as well as many others, saying you will be honest is a lot harder than putting it into action. Unfortunately I learned this lesson the hard way. It was fourth grade and I thought it would be cool to bring an exacto-knife to school. Well as you know, I was caught and was sent to the principle. I was suspended and as me and my mom were driving home, I lied and said that I didn't know how it got there. This lie led to another lie and another until the truth finally came out.
5th Period
4 Paragraph Essay on Honesty
The definition of honesty is not lying, stealing or deceiving/sincere and frank. Now for me as well as many others, saying you will be honest is a lot harder than putting it into action. Unfortunately I learned this lesson the hard way. It was fourth grade and I thought it would be cool to bring an exacto-knife to school. Well as you know, I was caught and was sent to the principle. I was suspended and as me and my mom were driving home, I lied and said that I didn't know how it got there. This lie led to another lie and another until the truth finally came out.