With reference to the first eleven pages discuss the significance of time shifts in Heart of Darkness(TM)

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Edward Perchard                20/09/06

‘With reference to the first eleven pages discuss the significance of time shifts in Heart of Darkness’

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a very philosophical novella. It was created in the middle of a period when phenomenology (the idea that our lives are made sense of by certain moments and ideas) was very popular. Conrad uses the novella to put across his ideas about human nature and the darkness of mankind.

Instead of writing it as a chronological plotline of introspective events manipulated into a story Conrad uses ideas where and when they are relevant to his point, no matter when they are based. This is a very uncommon format; most novels- like Charles Dickens’ ’Great Expectations’ for instance- progress from beginning to end in the predictable order. In ’Great Expectations’ the lead character, Pip, recollects his life from a significant moment in his life, to the present day. ’Heart of Darkness’ does the complete opposite however, which leads to many time shifts in the novella.

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The novella is, of course, based on true events that took place in Conrad’s life as a sailor. But he uses a framed narrative (a narrator inside a narrative) to allow him to recollect and use other events of the past to accentuate his point.

An example of this is when Marlow, the ‘hero’ of the novella, begins his story of long-gone tales of woe and immediately harks back to ’very old times, when the Romans came here’. He goes on to talk about how all those years ago even the most civilised modern city of London would ...

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