At the beginning Charles Dickens makes shore that you understand that Marley is dead he goes over and over that this person nobody now’s who he is but he makes you think you now him.
When Dickens describes Scrooge in the beginning he comes as a person who everyone knows but fears, ‘the cold within him froze’ the discretion of his feature as cold and the cold freezing shows that he, himself is worse than the worst in Victoria times ‘the weather’. He is described as the kind of person who seems to know all and see all, yet he still cannot see the world as it was, in poverty and suffering, he only wanted to see what he thought was right e.g. the workhouses being a nice place.
This man a master of his job did not bother with the temperature ‘heat and cold had little influence’. It’s like all this emotions where sucked out of him, and all that’s left was a body, this body that heat nor cold could disturb when he’s in his world which he was in nearly all this time. He takes all this anger out on the things people love most like Christmas in this time, ‘Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? You’re poor enough’. He thinks that every thing revolvers around money and without it people ant people! But when talking about people we learn that he wants the surplus population to be decreased
In the book there are two main parts with the whole Cratchit family all together. They are both set in the family’s house on Christmas day; Dickens chose to Wright them very differently, one a calm and lively atmosphere and the other a dark, cold and gloomy. At the first sense it starts with a joke on Bob, “Bob has but fifteen bob a-week himself”, even with this they still make the best of their little money they have.
‘Mrs Cratchit with here poorly twice-turned gown’ is a main strong part of the family even with nothing she is strong. When Dickens describes the slowly bubbling potatoes he uses personification to carry the idea that the potatoes are alive and want to be free but can’t like Bob wants to be free but his family need him to work for them, as he is the only source of money for the family. A sense of family activity is shown throughout the first sense; the sentences are long but with many outbursts of punctuation in it. The long sentences, tries to fit in all the family activities and the discussion that they are having.
All the family are a part and making the best of their time together. The quick line in the long sentences make it feel though Dickens is telling you this is a happy family with active lives. When Bob return’s it like a famous person or a king returning as his children make him feel special and important. The idea contrast with the rich Victorian Family as they aren’t allowed to make to have feelings as there parents return as they are with their nanny, learning to read and write.
‘As good as gold’ Bob uses this as though he has never seen it and that’s probably the truth! ‘And Better’ he’s using this phrase freely as he is imagining what gold would be like. Tiny Tim is the glue that sticks the whole family together; he inspires people, as he’s not afraid to be disabled. This is why when he dies the families’ whole motivation stops, he was the power of the family.
An atmosphere of motion less happen in the second time the Cratchit family appear. Their sprit has gone, ‘Quiet, very quiet’ the reposition of this makes a negative attitude towards Dickens. ‘The colour hurts my eyes’ the colour isn’t what’s the matter but a way of covering up the truth, that the colour is a nick name for Tiny Tim and because he’s gone all the colour from the family and the lives of the family has gone as well, it is a way of reminding them of him but only shuttle. ‘The colour, Ah Tiny Tim’ the narrator then understands what the colour is and expresses his sorrow. When Bob returns this time it is like he is forgotten, a lost person with out Tiny Tim he way nothing.
The whole family falls apart after his death and Scrooge understand what he must do to stop this, and he does it in the best possible way. Dickens writes in experience, as he way poor once and knows how it feels, using this he can tell the rich people who read the paper with his stories in, they can understand what live is like for the poor, he is like the ghosts for them and e hope that they will understand and do something like Scrooge does!
Laurence Noden