A comparison of First Ice by Andrey Voznesensky and Manwatching by Georgia Garrett.

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A comparison of First Ice by Andrey Voznesensky and Manwatching by Georgia Garrett The two poems First Ice by Andrey Voznesensky and Manwatching by Georgia Garrett are both about relationships and getting hurt in them. In first ice it is about a young girl getting hurt for the first time and not really knowing how to deal with the first ice of human hurt. Manwatching is about a girl who is at a party with her boyfriend and watching him flirt with someone else. She is
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upset and angry, she feels betrayed but she in more experienced in relationships than the girl in first ice and she knows how to handle the pain. I think that there is a lot more emotion in First Ice than there is in Manwatching and I think this is because the girl in First Ice is younger than the one in Manwatching and it is her first time getting hurt in a relationship so she is more vulnerable and doesn’t know how to handle it  where as the girl in Manwatching seems to be able to handle the pain more ...

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