Act one, Scene five

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Yasmine Pinto        English Coursework        11JT

Romeo and Juliet

Act one, Scene five

The focus of this assignment is to analyse Act One scene 5 and to see why it is an effective piece of drama.  

Right before the scene, Romeo is with his two friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, he is telling them how much he is in love with Rosaline, so his friends convince him to go to the Capulet’s feast, in hope he’ll forget about her. In the scene after, Romeo hides and listens to his friends making jokes about his new love interest, Juliet.

This scene is quite important. It takes place at Capulet’s feast. Romeo sees Juliet for the first time and falls in love with her immediately. Romeo and Juliet’s personalities are different, yet they are attracted to each other As Romeo was not meant to be at the feast, he is trying to keep a low profile, and he is worried about being recognised. But Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, identifies him and he is angry about Romeo being in his presence at a party which he was not meant to attend. Because of Tybalts’ harsh personality, his first intention is to fight him. Tybalt now told his uncle Capulet that Romeo is at their party he says “this is a Montague, our foe”. He does not refer to Romeo by his name, but refers to him from where he is from, and calls him “our foe”. Capulet restrained him from doing so, as he did not want his party to be ruined by Tybalts’ rough behaviour. Romeo and Juliet speak for the first time, unaware of each others identities. As the guests leave Capulet’s house, Juliet questiones her Nurse about whom this boy who she was speaking to was. She then learned that she was speaking to Romeo, a Montague. Juliet was upset to hear this, as she then confessed that she had fallen in love with him.

This scene tells the audience how the Montague’s and the Capulet’s are enemies, and it is shown when Tybalt sees Romeo at their feast and wants to fight him. It also shows how Romeo and Juliet are inseparable only after the first time they meet. The action in the scene also leads to the action and drama of the rest of the play, like a catalyst for remaining action, such as the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt, and when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo then risks fighting him because if he was caught, they both would be sentenced to death, as fighting was not allowed in Verona. But Romeo then killed Tybalt because he killed one of his best friends Mercutio. This shows Romeos’ personality; how he would do anything to defend or protect the ones he loves.  

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The Elizabethan audiences were familiar with sonnets, as they went to the theatre regularly. They knew the subject matter would be either love or death. But conventional sonnets were always spoken by the males who were in love with the females, not by the male and female together. Shakespeare however, divides the sonnet between Romeo and Juliet, which shows that their feelings of love and emotion are equal, not one-sided.

  On stage, there were no curtains to come down to mark the end of an act or a scene. Instead, scenes were ended with sonnets. The audience ...

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