all about arthur miller

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Tugba Melek – English H/W

Arthur miller was born on October 17, 1915, in New York. His father, Isidore Miller was a ladies manufacturer and shopkeeper, who were ruined in the depression. The sudden change in fortune had a strong influence on miller. The family moved to a small frame house in Brooklyn. Miller spent his boyhood playing football and baseball, reading adventure stories. After graduating from high school 1932, Miller worked in automobile parts warehouse to earn money for college. Having read the Dostoevsky's novel “The Brothers Karamazov” Miller decided to become a writer. To study journalism he entered the University of Michigan in 1934, where he won awards for playwriting - one of the other awarded playwrights was Tennessee Williams.

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After graduating in English in 1938, Miller returned to New York. There he joined the Federal Theatre Project, and wrote scripts for radio programs, such as Columbia Workshop (CBS) and Cavalcade of America (NBC). Because of a football injury, he was exempt from draft. In 1940 Miller married a Catholic girl, Mary Slattery, his college sweetheart, with whom he had two children. Miller's first play to appear on Broadway was “THE MAN WHO HAD ALL THE LUCK” (1944). Three years later he produced “ALL MY SONS” was about a factory owner who sells faulty aircraft parts during World War ...

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