In the chair incident Marco gets his revenge for his brother. Firstly the atmosphere is tranquil; this is where Rodolfo and Catherine dance together. For example in directors notes is says “he took her hand; they go to the phonograph and start it.
This is when Marco decides to teach Eddie a lesson. Marco says “can you lift this chair”. Eddie thinks this is just a game but he doesn’t know what Marco’s ingenious plan is as he says “what do you mean” the gives us the impression that Eddie hasn’t got a clue of what Marco is planning. This is when a lot of tension and suspense builds up as it makes the audience aware of what Marco is planning. This also makes the audience think that Marcos plan must be vicious as he is ‘shy ’. This implies that Marco is a very bashful and quiet person. Also the audience know that Marco is a person not to joke around with as Eddie says “nobody kids with Marco”. This gives the audience the impression that Marco is a very serious person.
Eddie falls in Marcos trap when he lifts the chair. Eddie ‘grasps’ barely lifting the chair. This suggests that Eddie is struggling to lift the chair with straight with his arm. But Eddie does not give up ‘he tries again and again but fails’ this is what Marco wants Eddie to do. This gives us the impression that Eddie is putting all his effort to lift the chair and is trying vigorously to lift the chair. Also the audience now think he is weak and slow-witted for not realizing Marco plan. At this moment a lot of anxiety and tension is created. Marco then decides to lift the chair as it says in stage directions ‘with strain slowly raise the chair higher’. This symbolises that Marco is giving out a warning to Eddie. Marco raised the chair ‘higher’ then Eddie which indicate Marcos status and authority over Eddie as the height of the chair suggests that Marco has more status then Eddie.
There are many features of this scene that make this a climatic scene as in directors notes it says ‘Marco is face to face with Eddie a strike of tension gripping his eyes and jaws’ this is when Eddie finds out what Marco is happening to him. ‘Eddie grin vanishes as he absorbs his look’ this gives us the impression that Eddie feels apprehensive from the impact of the warning from Marco. This nail biting incident leaves the audience feeling perturbed as it makes them think of the various ways that Eddie can get his revenge and if he is going to do any think foolish.
The chair incident gives us the impression that Marco is very protective over hi brother Rodolfo. This also suggests that Marco can get aggressive when he needs to. This notifies the audience that Marco is very clever and protective over his family. This makes the audience wonder what is going to happen in the future of the play and also what will happen to Rodolfo and Catherine as Eddie can to much about the relationship. This creates suspense and tension as it leaves the audience thinking of the ways which Eddie can do break up the relationship between Rodolfo and Catharine. The only logical way that Eddie can to this is go to the immigration burial. But this could create more conflicts between Marco and Eddie.
Arthur Miller uses the chair incident as a cliff hanger with includes a lot of tension and suspense which is how the audience feel at the end of the chair incident. This scene effects on the rest of the play as it makes the audience think how Eddie will get his vengeance on Marco.
Arthur Miller uses a number of dramatic devices and structures and different languages to portray the feelings created. For example Arthur Miller uses a skill of building up tension and suspense by using director’s notes. For example ‘he is widely elated rubbing his fists into his palms’ this indicates that Eddie is rubbing his fists in his palm in an exciting mood. This is very odd as it makes the audience feel what he is thinking.
Another example of this is when Eddie says ‘it’s wonderful he sings, he cooks and he could make dresses’. This gives the audience the impression that Eddie is trying to embarrass Rodolfo in front of Catherine to show that Rodolfo hasn’t got the qualities of a man but he is (Eddie). Eddie does this by giving Rodolfo feminine qualities. The effect of tension is it keeps the audience entertained which is the main aspect of making a play successful. Tension and suspense keeps the audience on the edge of their seats by the tense atmosphere created.
Arthur Miller uses stage directions for example ‘(resting his instructions)’. The effect of this is it keeps the person reading the play informed of what’s going on and how the dialogue of the character has been expressed. The stage directions help the reader get a different opinion on the characters,
Another example of stage directions is ‘(he has bent the rolled newspaper and it suddenly tears in two)’. This notifies the person who is reading the play about Eddie’s mood which is obnoxious as he brutally tears the newspaper. The effect of this is it express Eddies mood through his actions.
Another skill that Arthur Miller uses is the structure of Act 1. The end of Act 1 finishes by Marco teaching Eddie a lesson for insulting and embarrassing Marco’s brother. This is when Marco lifts the chair higher then Eddie which is a clear warning and a threat as the high of the chair represents Marcos status and power. The effect of this leaves the audience feeling excited and nervous as the audience want to find out what happens between the two characters Marco and Eddie who just become enemies.
Arthur Miller uses characters action for effect. For example in the play it says Catherine ‘rushing to Rodolfo’ this implies that Catherine cares for Rodolfo and she is not egocentric. Another example of characters actions is when Beatrice pulls ‘Eddie down in to the rocker’ this gives the audience the impression that Beatrice is a caring person against Rodolfo’s she stops Eddie from hurting Rodolfo. The purpose of using characters actions is it gives more information on the characters behaviour and emotions.
By Abdul Jallal 11W