The illustrations are big and colourful to attract the reader; they also suggest change, in which the charity will bring, and the effects they have on Africa, it is also evidence to prove the good work they have done, persuading you to donate, allowing you to be a part of their success. The picture of the woman by a well shows that WaterAid has made her happy because she can access clean water for her and her family, and it shows the hard work and more importantly your money being put to good use.
This Water Aid leaflet states medical information such as “ailments like diarrhoea can be a killer” this shows the effects and seriousness of drinking dirty water, so then they can explain, how by providing them clean safe water, it can improve their health and quality of life, by showing the worst side of the issue.
The text shows geographical information by telling us directly where they are going to be helping communities to have clean water, and what they will be doing there. Along with this, it explains where your money will be going and how it will be helping them, ‘‘300 people in Uganda’’ and ‘‘fit a hand pump in Malawi.’’ This gives you all the information you need to know about where your money is going, who it’s helping and how it’s helping.
This leaflet uses statistics in their writing, this it puts the situation of Africa into perspective, they persuade you to believe what they are saying because they have given you facts. This is also there to shock you, so you realise how serious it is, and therefore you will donate to this charity in the hope that it will change things, ‘‘every 17 seconds, a child dies in the developing world from water-related diseases.’’ This allows you to understand the necessity of drinking clean safe water, and so you are more inclined to help.
The anecdotal information in this leaflet is set to out, by styling it as a letter, they can go through all the important points (the problems, the solution, how the reader is involved and personalising it to the reader) They start the leaflet off with ‘‘Dear Friend’’ this welcomes the reader by giving a positive attitude and starting off friendly it makes you want to read on, inviting you to help out with their charity and hopefully you will want to donate. By starting it off this way, it makes them feel as though they are the only person to make the difference in Africa, and as though they are a major part of making this charity a success.
Throughout the letter, they always address the reader as ‘‘you’’ this is very personal, and they also come to the same level as the reader, making the reader interested, and a part of the whole idea. By using this language style they can connect to the reader on a one-on-one situation, therefore the reader is more comfortable and it’s easier to read in this style, rather than being put under pressure by the charity.
There is a lot of emotive language used in the Water Aid leaflet such as “Heartbreaking” and “Traumatic” these particular words are very strong and meaningful. These sorts of words create a very sad and hurtful mood because these African families live like this every day, but as the letter moves on, they have built up this sort of helpless atmosphere, so that as soon as they mention donations, the reader is suddenly relieved. This is because they have given a solution that involves the reader, making them feel happier, and they feel as though by donating they can make the difference to these families’ lives, and stopping the pain of the families.
All the headings are in rhetorical questions “For a Family?” and “For one person” because they make the reader involved, and to think about the whole letter and the purpose of it. Therefore the reader tries to think of an answer, but in the next section they answer it for you. They use this technique to draw the reader in, and they then read on in curiosity, to find out what the answer is.
The sub-headings use the rule of three, this is a very persuasive technique, and it can give a lot of information in very few words, “For one person?”, “For a family?” and “For a whole community.” The reader is therefore not confused about what the letter is trying to say, and by using the rule of three this way, the reader can see clearly what they are asking because it is in bold, and it also breaks up the text.
Repetition is used to make to make a very important point stick in the readers mind, so each time they hear or see a Water Aid logo they automatically think of a certain logo of a certain phrase. In this leaflet they have a little caption at the bottom about what the donations do, and what certain amounts, such as what £2 can do for a person/family/community. They also repeat this so you can understand exactly how your money is helping and where it’s helping. This makes the reader trust the charity and what they are saying in the leaflet.
The pictures are used in the Water Aid leaflet to show what the charity have done will all the donations so far, and to show what future donations will do. Pictures are very effective because they can explain a great detail without the use of words, allows the reader to think about what impact the picture has on them, and the reader can see for themselves where there money is going. The picture that shows a woman using a Water Aid water pump has a very big smile on her face, this tells us that Water Aid have done this, making her very happy, and when the reader/donator sees this they can feel very good and happy about the donations they have made, because they can see that it actually has made a difference.
Short sentences in this letter are used for impact, and to get straight to the point. “Please help now.” This tells us what they want straight away, with no unnecessary added detail, it’s straight to the point and the reader knows instantly the idea of the sentence. The longer sentences are the used to describe the situation in more detail, giving extra information to the reader, so they can see the full picture. The longer sentences also build up an atmosphere in the text, so that way they can persuade the reader to feel a certain way, making the more likely to donate.
This leaflet is very effective because it uses all the important features, which are needed to create a very good, persuasive letter. The simple and relevant colours make the text easier to read, the sub-heading break up the letter nicely making it flow easier, and finally the emotive language used is just right to create the perfect tone for a persuasive leaflet.