Analyze the dramatic development of Rita’s character. How has she changed by the end of the play?

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Analyze the dramatic development of Rita’s character.  How has she changed by the end of the play?

Jeremy Hurst

     In this essay I will try to explain the characters of Rita and Frank and how they develop throughout the play. I will also be analyzing their relationship and what they learn from each other. Educating Rita is a two-handler play about a woman in her late twenties who is from a working class background. She decides that she wants to better herself and so enrolls on an Open University course. This is how she meets Frank, her tutor.

   Frank is a middle aged and well educated and from a middle class background. He has a failed career as a poet and a failed marriage behind him and has turned to drink as away to block out the questions he needs to answer about himself .Rita is at the other end of the scale. She has asked all the questions about herself and realizes she is not happy with her prospects and lifestyle as it stands and is prepared to make the necessary changes to improve herself. The dramatic irony of the whole play is that Rita goes to Frank to become educated .She wants the education he can offer her but, what he doesn't realize, is the value she holds for him. Her fresh thinking, vitality and spirit awakens something which has layer dormant in him for a long time. This is the need to question him in order to not just exist, but to start living again.

   Rita starts out as somebody who is very insecure and uses her whit and her quick tongue to hide her inhibitions and unhappiness. As the play develops you begin to understand her make-up and how the lifestyle she see’s around her leads her to want more.

   In scene 1 when she is in the office, she finds it hard to sit still. She is eager and excited to learn. Her eyes are everywhere trying take upon the culture that she yearns to be a part of. She is a "doer" .She talks tirelessly skipping from one subject to another. Her chattiness masks her insecurity.

   Even though at the beginning of the play she is only a hairdresser, it shows her will to want to further her potential. Many women within her culture may work in factories or become house wives and mothers however, Rita has more to offer a skill in fact. This shows her determination early on to better herself. Once she had achieved her hairdressing skills, she realized that this would not be enough. When talking about her thought s through life she explains how she always questioned what she really wanted but put it to the back of her mind

   “I mean there was always something tapping away tellin me I might have got it wrong"

   Rita has observed her lifestyle around her and is only to aware of the drudgery that exist and how little the people around her actually achieve.

   “By us there is no meaning' to life...I just see everyone pissed or on the valium, trying to get from one day to the next."

    Rita can see how unhappy her mother is when she is sitting in the pub one evening, singing songs from the juke box. She turn's to her side only to see her mother crying and so asks her mother why she is upset.

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“There must be a better song to sing than this" reply's her mother. Rita considers this and realizes how symbolic this is for her song is her life and she wants a better one.

Prior to going and meeting her family in the pub she had been invited to Frank’s dinner party. On arrival, after watching the people from outside, Rita turned back as she realized she could not socialize with people like this. After going to the pub she realized she had the same problem there. She understands that at that point in time she does not fit in ...

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