GCSE Coursework
Animal Farm
How does Orwell convince us that Animal Farm is really about human beings rather than animals?
Animal Farm is a book which is really about human beings rather than animals. From the book you can find that different animals represent different kinds of human being, like Benjamin, Napoleon, Snowball and other animals. Also the book is like human politics and roughly the book is about Russian Revolution which happened in early 20th century.
From the book different kinds of animals equal different kinds of human beings. Snowball, is a leader whose plans and projects were targeting to improve the quality of Animal Farm. He can represent some leaders who are having plans and good ideas for the benefit of their society. For example, from the book Snowball was having a plan of building the windmill, for the benefits of the farm and all animals. Napoleon is a dictator, who was very selfish and only cares about himself and not other animals. He represents some leaders who misuse their power for their own interest. For example, from the book of Animal Farm he used to execute all who confessed when they go against his leadership. Boxer is a hard working horse who worked hard for the benefits of the farm and all animals. He represents working class people who are working hard for the benefits of their country or society. For example, Boxer was waking up earlier than any animal at the farm and went to work and he was injured because of working too much. Old major is like a politician who has a vision of helping his society from Mr Jones’s cruelty. He represents politicians who are having dreams and ideas of rebellion for their countries or societies. For example, from the book of Animal Farm, Old Major is the one who addressed his fellow animals about rebellion and told them how they can be free from cruelty and be free from hard life of Mr Jones. Orwell convinces us that Animal Farm is really human beings rather than animals because animals can speak. From the book pigs were speaking like humans being, for example when Old major was addressing other animals, he was speaking like human being. Animals can write and read; from the book of Animal farm pigs were having an ability of writing and reading. For example’ Snowball wrote the seven commandments and he read for the other animals. This represents pigs as educated society in the farm.