Animal Farm - Give a detailed account of the two attempts to build the windmill and explain why each attempt ends in disaster.

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AF – literature essay Q2                

Q2. Give a detailed account of the two attempts to build the windmill and explain why each attempt ends in disaster.

Snowball first brought up the idea of building the windmill after seeing that winter was hard to pass due to the frozen fields that are barren, and the bitter cold that the animals suffered. The windmill, according to Snowball, will be made to operate a dynamo which will in turn supply the farm with electricity. Electricity will light the stalls and warm them in winter, and would also run a circular saw, a chaff-cutter, a mangel-slicer and an electric milking machine. This will be for industrial development. Snowball also conjured up a picture of fantastic machines which would do their work for the animals while the animals will graze at their ease in the fields or improved their minds with reading and conversation.

Napoleon, who had vehemently opposed the windmill idea from the start, then made a sudden U-turn to support it, claiming it his own, after expelling Snowball. He stated that it would mean very hard work and necessitated reducing their rations. Indeed, the hard work started soon after the announcement. During the whole of spring and summer the animals worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, except that any animal that absented itself would have its rations halved.

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There was also difficulty in the process. At first, the animals just could not figure out how to break up the stones onto pieces of suitable size. Animals were unable to use the picks and crowbars as they were in fours. However, they managed to solve the problem by pulling the boulders up to the top of the quarry and smashing it down. It was a slow and labourious process. However, Boxer worked extremely hard. Every time a boulder was about to slip down, it was Boxer who strained himself to hold out for the animals. He found inspiration ...

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