As the animals have been working longer hours now and getting less rations of food we have been fighting amongst ourselves and blaming each other on whose fault it is for life not going the way we planned since Jones fled. What we started believing in and fighting for is not progressing so successfully because it is turning us against one another.
2nd August
Napoleon and I held another meeting in the barn but whatever I said Napoleon seemed to be opposed to it and I could feel a bit of unrest among the animals. Life carried on as normal for a few weeks with the majority pulling their weight. Napoleon sent the pigeons to neighbouring fields to spread the news of the Rebellion and life carried on as normal or so I thought.
1st October
This was a day to remember. The pigeons flew into the yard with word that Jones and his men were armed and on their way back to reclaim the farm. We were prepared for such an attack and all the animals took up position and fought with hooves, claws, beaks and butted and attacked relentlessly. I shouted for the animals to retreat and we all fled, giving the impression that we were afraid, but this wall all part of my plan. The men followed us and were ambushed by the other animals in hiding, cutting them off. I gave the signal for charge and dashed straight for Jones. He saw me and fired his gun and the pellets scored streaks along my back and hit a sheep that dropped dead. At this all the animals went berserk and in a frenzied attack they took their anger out on the men who then panicked and fled. We then gathered together and buried the sheep who had died and we pledged to die for Animal Farm if need be.
1st January
It was a bitterly cold day and nothing could be done in the fields because the earth was so hard. We planned many meetings in the barn and worked out rotas of work for the coming season. Napoleon disagreed with everything I said these days and he seemed to be splitting the ranks of followers and causing unrest among us. I decided we should build a windmill for the good of the farm, which would supply electrical power and build it in the long pasture not far from the farm buildings. This would help work many of the electrical appliances on the farm.
I spent many hours drawing up the plans and everyone was impressed except Napoleon who was against it. We put it to the vote when all the animals assembled in the barn. Napoleon looked like he was gaining everyone’s confidence until I spoke of how the electricity could operate threshing machines, ploughs, harrows, rollers besides supplying every stall with its own electric light, hot and cold water and an electric heater. I knew I had everyones vote of confidence until I heard a high-pitched whimper from Napoleon and saw nine enormous dogs bounding towards me.
Napoleons henchmen, dogs raced into the barn barking viciously at me. I realised that I had to run for my life because I could see their great white fangs ready to bite into me and also how angry and eager they were for blood. I bolted out of the barn with the dog’s inches behind me. As I sprinted through the wheat fields I slipped, they almost had me but I regained my balance and managed to keep running and spotted a gap in the hedge at the side of the field. I aimed to jump through it and I would be safe, I took a leap off the ground and sailed through the hedge and as I hit the ground, I started to roll. I knew I was free of danger and so did the dogs because they could not fit through the hedge so they slowly paced themselves back up to the barn as I got my breath back.
2nd January
I remembered that yesterday as I was being chased all of the other animals had just watched me being driven from the barn without one of them willing to help me, but I suppose they may have thought they might have been attacked next. I think I was driven off the farm because Napoleon felt threatened by me. I was getting more attention and response from the other animals than he was about my plans and strategies for the future, which are hopefully to bring every farm together and work as one.
The animals seemed to be afraid to object to anything Napoleon was making laws and the animals were afraid incase he ordered his bodyguards on them! For disagreeing with him. Napoleon was making up anything to make the animals back him up, suggesting that I was a liar and a cheat all along, working with Jones and that I was doing this for my own good and not theirs which was not true. I was trying to make life easier and more enjoyable for us by obeying old majors seven commandments and encouraging everyone to get along with each other.
I feel Napoleon was jealous of me because of how many votes I seemed to be getting, so he had to find a way to get rid of me. I felt this attack to be very hurtful, cunning and sly. I have heard from passing pigeons there might have been factions forming amongst the animals about who thought what was right, who to follow and what to do next in support of me. It is most likely that me not being on the farm has led the animals to vote for Napoleon whether they like it or not because he is a very frightening and intimidating with the dogs at his side.
I should have seen this coming, Napoleon driving me away from my friends and family. He would never let me finish what I was talking about in my speeches, he did not want the other animals to favour me because my plans did not include him or help him. He always had his sycophantic sheep interrupt me in the middle of a sentence; they would start that incessant bleating of 4 legs good 2 legs bad.
He was obviously waiting for the right time and place to change my plans to his plan’s, he had everything turned against me. I know that when I spoke to the other animals they paid attention and listened, they had respect for me because some of them asked questions like ‘When will the windmill be ready?’ and ‘Will we still have to work?’ We had to work together to bring in the harvest and to feed ourselves. Every animal worked together as a team except our so-called comrade Napoleon and the porkers that made everyone believe that they were helping and not just lazing about.
12th January
Apparently Napoleon has stolen my plans for the windmill as I have heard from one of my comrades from the other farms. They have been told by the pigeons from animal farm that Napoleon has claimed these plans his. I also heard that Napoleon has been feeding himself extra rations while the rest of them have been slaving away on the farm. He is breaking the commandment that “all animals are equal”; he eats extra rations and does not have to work. He makes the other animals do things for him by frightening them with his fierce dogs.
24th January
I have heard from passing pigeons that I have supposedly been accused of demolishing the windmill, which is a lie. How could I destroy something that is to help us from working so much as three hours a day? My plan was to put lighting and heating into the barn and also to have machinery. I spent many painstaking weeks working on those plans and all Napoleon could do was take little interest in them, take my plans from me, kick me off the farm and take over my position on the farm.
I will strike back by gathering up supporters from neighbouring farms by spreading the word of ‘Defeat Napoleon.’ We need to overcome Napoleons new rules and focus on regaining Old Major’s rules - “all animals are equal” or “no animal shall sleep in a bed”, ‘whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy” and “no animal shall kill any other animal” I will have to put my ideas into action, many of the animals on animal farm were my comrades and were willing to back be up only for Napoleons intervention.
I will discreetly speak to the pigeons when night falls and encourage them to fly to other farms and stir up a rebellion amongst the animals. I will arrange meetings every so often to discuss strategies that I was going to use on Jones farm. Although I was against the use of firearms, I think the time has come to train ourselves in their use, to protect ourselves against the dogs and to finish Napoleon quickly.
When I return I will not flee, I will defend what I believe in, I will stand my ground, I WILL BE BACK.