Are the characters of Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein similar or dissimilar.

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Are the characters of Robert Walton and Victor

Frankenstein similar or dissimilar

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein are the two biggest narrators of the story but their style of narration is entirely different. We are introduced to Robert Walton through a series of letters he is sending to his sister, a Mrs Saville. Through these letters we learn about his character, his objective and motives. The letters tell us of what is happening to Robert Walton and tells the story from his point of view. It is through these letters that we are introduced to Victor Frankenstein. As the two bond, Victor Frankenstein agrees to tell his story of how he has come to be where he is and how he is, desolate. Although the story is being relayed in a letter to Mrs Saville from Robert Walton the words are meant to be straight from Victor's mouth and the tale is written in a novel format i.e. in chapters. In Robert Walton's narrative we are constantly reminded that he is writing in the present, telling his sister his emotions he is feeling while writing and what is happening at the precise moment. Victor Frankenstein's narrative is different he talks precisely of all that happened to him in that time of influence and emerges you into that story. Occasionally reminding you that he is actually telling it to someone, that there's someone else listening to the story. You gather a sense that the story is being orally told, "I must pause here, for it requires all my fortitude to recall the memory of the frightful events, which I am about to relate". The end of the chapter follows this quote and makes you remember that Victor Frankenstein is telling this story to the original narrator, Robert Walton. This style of story telling is different to Walton's letters in which he is always writing things down (not telling it orally) for the reader but still they are similar in the fact that they both play big narrative roles in the story.
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Character wise Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton share a few similar personality traits. They share a similar arrogance, a self-assurance, that they can go where no other man has gone and succeed where others have failed. A difference in the end is that Frankenstein succeeds and is cursed for it, upon learning of this Robert Walton stops to think of what could happen to him and the cost of life, thanks to the lesson learnt from Victor Frankenstein he turns back before it is too late. They both share a strong determination to reach their goal. They see ...

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