Arguing against the caging of animals

Authors Avatar by nadunisilva18gmailcom (student)

Animal Cruelty

All animals were born to be wild and free just as humans are. When we were born we weren’t locked in cages and animals shouldn’t be kept either, freedom is a right for not just humans but animals of all kinds too. Animals are being denied from receiving that freedom because of us humans taking that right away from them, they are supposed to be kept as pets and not ruled by people. They deserve a free life, a safe and better life than being held like prisoners behind cages and bars. They have done nothing to deserve such a cruel behavior from humans, this is considered as slavery and we should stop it.

How would you feel like if you were kept in a cage for days, weeks or even years?  Instead of living at home with your animal family, you are locked in an unfamiliar place, lonely, with other people you don’t recognize, do you think it is fun? Definitely not, and that is exactly what the animals have been forced within the zoos and cages. They have been kept in cages for several years by now that it almost came out as a trend in society. A cage is supposedly only used for protection towards animals yet nowadays people have continuously used cages to lock them up due to entertainment and profit purposes.  Circuses are the biggest example on animal cruelty, a circus owner named Malcolm Flinch once stated how “when I used to keep animals in cages, they couldn’t go to sleep at night”, this states how animals are uncomfortably forced to stay in cages. You expect animals to be happy when they’re away from their beloved family, no that’s not right, animals are living creatures with souls just like human beings and should be left to live freely without cages and supervision.

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Birds are also kept in cages for amusement, specifically our amusement. Unfortunately, exotic birds are sold at high prices for people just for amusement. If a person had an ounce of sympathy, they’d understand how animals like birds are being held in cages for the rest of ones’ life. Birds are social animals that move everywhere, they tend to communicate with another when they feel isolated. For many writers and poets’ birds are usually considered a symbol of freedom, birds being creatures who have the devotion for communicating and independence, being held in cages is sickening to death. People who ...

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