Atticus once said You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them - Examine characters and relationships in to kill a mockingbird, in order to illustrate this maxim!

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Atticus once said “You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them”  

        Examine characters and relationships in to kill a mockingbird, in order to illustrate this maxim!

        I think Atticus is trying to say that you never really know a man until you step in his shoes and do what he does.  In the story there are different relationships where characters do this.  I think the biggest relationship showing this is between brother and sister, Jem and Scout Finch.  Through out the whole story they will be together doing things like playing with each other, helping each other and exploring things with each other etc.  Even on the first page when they are talking to each other about the events leading up to Jem’s broken elbow to the last page where Scout is watching over Jem who is in bed after his broken arm, they are always together even if it is Jem watching over Scout at school or Scout helping Jem think of plans.  There are lots of examples in to kill a mockingbird where Jem and Scout are together.  The first real time Jem and Scout are together is when they meet Charles Baker Harris and they start talking about reading.  “How old are you” asked Jem, “Four-and-a-half?” “Going on seven”  “Shoot no wonder, then” said Jem, jerking his thumb at me.  “Scout yonder has been reading ever since she was born, and she aint even started to school yet” Here Jem is showing Scout off and showing how proud that his sister has not started school yet but she can read.  When Charles Baker Harris tries to show off by saying he can read Jem comes back at him by showing off that Scout can read.  Scout is very lucky to have a brother that sticks up for her in a time of need.

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        When Dill comes round Jem is not such a novelty to Scout, as she kind of shows him the cold shoulder.  She does not stick with him sometimes but sticks with Dill even though Jem is bigger, stronger and older than Dill.  “We left the corner, crossed the side street that ran in front of the Radley House, and stopped at the gate”.  “Well go on”, said Dill, “Scout and me are right behind you” “I’m going” said Jem don’t hurry me”  I think Dill does show to be the one that pressures Scout as he is the one that ...

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