Ban hunting!

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Ban hunting!

                        18th of June 1997, government bans all hunting with dogs. The historical vote was 411 to151, yet some how the cruel sport still exists; in fact it is thriving without government intervention. So unfortunately, the suffering for the animals in the hunted areas continues, and it is all happening away from public eyes. I will explain why hunts are inhumane, bloody and cruel, hunters do not care about the animal’s suffering, and hunting is unnecessary to control the deer population and that the hunt is a secretive and evil organization. I will explain why I think all types of hunting should be banned, and this time, properly banned!

The hunt is a dark, secretive and evil organization that obviously has things to hide from the public. The hunt indoctrinates the public by showing pictures of merry men drinking and partying, they would never show you an ordinary hunt scene. In fact, a cameraman from the league against cruel sports found himself beaten up, kicked and threatened to be thrown of a cliff, unless he stopped filming a scene of a stag being chased up and down a river with multiple shot wounds, and was eventually drowned by two hunters. This proves that even the hunters know what they are doing is wrong and that is why they are trying to stop the cameraman from filming.

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Even though the government seems to be against hunting and realises the barbaric nature of the cruel sport, it seems to be reluctant to end the sport once and for all. The reason for this is because of the profit hunting brings. Hunts make around 13.5 million pounds annually, and a lot of that will go to the government as taxes. Also many small communities do depend on the profit hunting brings through selling deer meat, horns and antlers as trophies and decoration. However how can the suffering of animals who have feelings and emotions be justified because of ...

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