Black Fairy Story-Exotic Food with a bit of Chianti
(After reading “Captain Murderer” by Charles Dickens)
Dr E. Veal was tall sleek and powerful, he was a psychiatrist and met a lot of interesting people he own a practice in London, where all wealthy sea merchants and most rich factory owners lived. His practice was a large building that loomed over the cobbled street.
He stood at the window on the third floor. Snow lightly fell, the horse’s horseshoe clicked on the uneven cobbles and the carriage rattled along behind.
He heard a knock on the big oak door. He trotted down the stairs and pulled open the big oak door, it creaked like it was in pain. The person stood at the door he was young and thin, he was wearing a black suit and a top hat, with a shiny gold watch which hung out of his breast pocket.
Dr E. Veal invited him in and led him down a narrow dark hall into a large backroom. The man sat down in a wooden chair. Dr E. Veal slowly settled in a chair close by, his tall figure half covered by the shadow of a closed wooden shutter, His white teeth illuminating the other half of his face. “How can I help you sir?” Dr E. Veal voice crept up on the up on the man. Under his breath Dr E. Veal said “I’ll stab him in the shoulder when he blinks?” The man heard the muttering but didn’t understand what he had said. “Pardon? Doctor, what did you say?” replied the man. “Would you like some whiskey for a drink?” The quick thinking doctor answered. “Yes, Why not?” the man chuckled smugly.
Dr E. Veal silently moved to the decanter opened it and poured some whiskey into a pair of crystal glasses. As he poured, the light glistened and made the liquid shine blood red. Dr E. Veal handed the glass to the man “How many I help you? Mr. Cogs” Dr E. Veal repeated. The words silently floated into the man head. The man’s face turned to instant confusion. “ did you know, my n…name?” Mr. Cogs stuttered. Dr E. Veal replied “Easy, the steel dust on your shoe, tells me you work with steel and only Smith’s and Cogs use steel in the manufacturing and metal supplies. Also the smell of a steam driven turbine on your suit, tells me that you work at Cogs because Smith’s doesn’t have that technology. Because you smell like steam I think you walked through the factory and because your cuffs are frayed and a small brown stain on the collar tells me you were anger and possibly fired a employee of steeling, I guess!” as the words flowed like oil from a smashed lantern, quickly and silently gliding across the wooden floor. Mr. Cogs even more bemused and impressed by the knowledge and accuracy of the doctor’s words. “Spot on Dr, some one told me you were good.” Mr. Cogs turned to put the glass down and turned back to find Dr E. Veal standing over him. Dr E. Veal bit him hard on the nose, his big hands firmly grasped around the head of Mr. Cogs. Dr E. Veal withdrew his bloody mouth and spat the nose on the floor. He produced a knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. Dr E. Veal slowly cut the scalp and skull narrowly avoiding the brain. He slowly pulled off the skull to expose the juicy, tender brain. Dr E. Veal ran his long index finger down the centre of the man’s brain. The man, alive, but twitching nervously and uncontrollably. Dr E. Veal dropped a lump of lard into the pan on the open fire, it began to melt and sizzle. Dr E. Veal took a knife and cautiously selected the Parietal lobe and cut it off. He flicked it into the pan instantly it began to sizzle like the lard. Mr. Cogs eyes were open and he was breathing but his head was bowed, but he didn’t move. Dr E. Veal picked up the piece and slipped it into his mouth “Juicy don’t you think, well you wouldn’t know but it’s your brain” Dr E. Veal snarled.