Brave New World is one of Huxley's ten novels, it is a masterpiece of science fiction in which Huxley has employed scientific facts and theories to make the unbelievable seem believable and to make the improbable seem probable.

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Anjam Naz

Brave New World

Brave New World is one of Huxley’s ten novels, it is a masterpiece of science fiction in which Huxley has employed scientific facts and theories to make the unbelievable seem believable and to make the improbable seem probable. His own interest in science has contributed to the accuracy of his presentation and to the horror of his envisioned utopia. Aspects of this utopia are contained in several of his earlier works. In Chapter 5 of chrome yellow (published 1922) Mr. Scogan speaks of a scientific utopia “…An impersonal generation will take the place natures hideous system. In vast incubators rows upon rows of gravid bottles will supply the world with the population it requires. The family system will disappear …”

By the time Huxley began to write Brave new World the tremendous political, economical and philosophical changes taking place in Europe and America contributed to his disallusionment. On the international political scene there had been the dictatorship of Mussolini in Italy, the Nazi party movement. Huxley realised that Communism and fascism place the state above the individual and demand total allegiance. Recognising the danger he, he demonstrated the end result of this tendency in his fantasy.  

Huxley creates an ‘ideal’ world in Brave New World and at first we seem to see a happy, almost buoyant, mood in the novel, for at first glance things in this Brave New World seem greatly improved. As the novel progresses, the mood begins to change to one of doubt, dissallusionent and despair as the truth about the Brave New Worlds is revealed.

In Brave New World, society in the world state is determined by the government. The society consists of five main castes: the Alphas, who have leadership positions, Betas, positions demanding high  intelligence, Gammas and Deltas positions demanding some intelligence   and epsilon who have  positions which demand no intelligence.

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The conditioning of the members of these groups takes place from the time of fertilisation to through to the individuals formative years, this guarantees, in most cases (ofcourse there are always exceptions) the individuals complete aceptance of every aspect of life in the in the world in the world state. Since every individual is is conditioned by environmental and hereditory factors, and if these factors were to be then the individul is very like to be controlled also. Therefore if an individual is conditioned to think, to act and to react in a particular way to something then free will ...

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