Case Study on: Andrew Buurman.

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Case Study on:

Andrew Buurman

Andrew Buurman is a professional freelance photographer. He was born in Liverpool in 1966; he came from a traditional working middle class Roman Catholic family.

He went through college and got his A-Levels in economics, politics, and computing. He then went to Swansea University to study politics. Even though he has the qualifications he does not see education as been important. After he got his degree in politics he found that it was not a subject that he wished to peruse, Andrew took up photography whilst living in Japan.

He later took a post graduate diploma in photojournalism at the London College of Printing. After college he became a photographer with The Independent. Now freelance, he works for national newspapers, magazines and corporate clients.

 He later lived in Scotland for a short while but found it really difficult to get work. He has now been a photojournalist since 1995.

There are different ways in which work can be obtained. Firstly if you have absolutely no leads at all then you can cold call different companies and ask them if they have any work available. Secondly you can advertise yourself though Andrew Buurman does not do this. Thirdly and by far the best way is by word of mouth, you can get recommendations from companies you have previously worked for, so it is good to keep good working relationships with the companies. When Andrew gets work he receives a call the night before; the company tell him what they want him to do and where to go. A set rate is made, and they pay for any expenses that that he may incur during the activity, such as his fares to go there and back.

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Andrew has just started a project on stag and hen nights, he wants to observe the behaviour and find out what goes on. One of his most favourite projects to work on was the horseracing project. He also likes watching the horses’ race. He goes around taking pictures, and sometimes he talks to the people, but some people object to him taking their picture. He also worked with heroine addicts; these are some of the pictures he took, as you can see the pictures are really explicit.

The composition of this picture        

is really good he darkens the         ...

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