Childhood in poetry

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Poetry Essay

Childhood is a formative period in life, and memories from that time often affect adults in later years. Childhood memories leave a permanent mark upon one’s heart. This is the case in U.A. Fanthorpe’s “Half-Past Two”, D.H. Lawrence’s “Piano” and “My Parents kept me from Children who were rough” by Stephen Spender. All of these three poems are reminiscences of each poet’s childhood.  

All poems follow a central theme of childhood and relations with adults. However, each poet tackles a more personal matter. There are variations in the themes and conflict that arouse in each poet’s life. D.H. Lawrence’s “Piano”, deals with a theme of manhood and identity, and the insecurity his memories bring about. This is evident when he says,

“Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast”

This tells the reader how Lawrence is unable to reconcile the man and the child in him as he feels each one contradicts the other. He faces waves of emotions and tries to close the doors to his past in order to try and be a grown up man. In addition, a theme of security and blissful love flows through “Piano”, as “hymns in the cosy parlour” create a pleasant image of comfort. By Contrast, “Half-Past Two”, deals with a theme of ‘time versus timeless moments’, as Fanthorpe escapes “into the clockless land of ever, Where time hides waiting to be born.” This depicts how the poet faces a setback due to his obliviousness to the significance of time. The poem suggests a theme of sadness and regret, as the poem gives the impression that the poet feels reified and insignificant. This is indicated in the following line,
“She slotted him back into schooltime.”

Whereas, “My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough” explores the theme of Childhood bullying as Spender “feared more than tigers their [the bullies] muscles like iron”. This association with animals tells one how brutal the bullying was and suggests physical pain. Moreover, it appeals to the reader that the poem also runs through the theme of loneliness, as it seems like the poet wished to belong when he “longed to forgive them [the bullies].”

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Furthermore, each poems structure helps reveal more information about the situation and the poet. For example, one notices a sum of eleven stanzas in “Half-Past Two”. Each stanza consists of three lines each. This is a consistent pattern. This may reveal that the poet’s life was very organised. For further proof, the different aspects of the poet’s life or day, was divided into chunks, such as “TVtime, Timetogohomenowtime…”Etc. The various stanzas may also represent the many blocks his life was cut into. Fanthorpe also uses an Enjambment structure, which portrays the running of many thoughts in the child’s mind ...

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